An Analysis of Lewis Carroll's
Alice in Wonderland

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A Caucus-Race and a Long Tale

An Analysis of Chapter 3


Whimsical, Humorous, Slightly Melancholic Towards The End

Basic Stats

Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Relaxed - (2) Clear - (4) Calm - (2) None - (1) Moderate - (3)


In this chapter, Alice and the other wet creatures seek to get dry, the Dodo suggests a Caucus-Race, which ends with no clear winner, and prizes are given out. Alice almost gets the Mouse to tell its tale but instead alienates the company by mentioning her cat, Dinah.

In more detail...

Following a wetting from the pool of tears, Alice and other creatures, including a Dodo, a Mouse, and several birds, discuss how to dry off. The Mouse attempts to dry them by telling them a boring historical tale, which leads nowhere. The Dodo then suggests a Caucus-Race, which is a nonsensical event with a circular track where everyone starts and stops at will. Upon completion, everyone demands prizes, and Alice, identified as the recipient, hands out comfits but is also persuaded to give herself a prize, an elegant thimble. An attempt by the Mouse to tell its sad tale is interrupted by Alice innocently comparing it to a real tail. Offended, the Mouse begins to leave, followed by Alice mentioning her cat, Dinah, which scares all the creatures away, leaving her alone to contemplate her loneliness.
  • Alice
    • About - Alice is a young girl who finds herself conversing and arguing with the animals and birds, trying to maintain control of the situation, and inadvertently causes a ruckus when mentioning her pet cat.
    • Personality Traits - Curious, polite, well-intentioned, naive.
    • Physical Characteristics - Not specifically described in this chapter, but known from the rest of the text as a small fair-haired girl.
    • Character Connections
      • Dodo - Participates in the Caucus-Race suggested by the Dodo.
      • Lory - Argues with Lory regarding age and wisdom.
      • Mouse - Attempts to listen to the Mouse's story and unintentionally offends it.
      • Dinah - Mentions her cat Dinah, which leads to the other creatures running away.
  • Mouse
    • About - The Mouse tries to dry the assembly with a dry history lesson and later attempts to share its personal history before being offended by Alice.
    • Personality Traits - Authoritative, sensitive, and easily offended.
    • Physical Characteristics - Not described in detail, but small enough to be a swimming mate for Alice.
    • Character Connections
      • Alice - Offended by Alice's misunderstanding.
  • Dodo
    • About - The Dodo suggests a Caucus-Race to dry off the party and establishes the race rules. It ends the race arbitrarily and decides everyone should receive prizes.
    • Personality Traits - Authoritative, pompous, officious.
    • Physical Characteristics - Not overtly described, but typically a large bird with a hooked beak.
    • Character Connections
      • Alice - Suggests a race which Alice participates in.
  • Lory
    • About - The Lory argues with Alice over age and wisdom, and is one of the creatures that react negatively to Alice's mention of her cat.
    • Personality Traits - Sulky, proud.
    • Physical Characteristics - Not detailed, but is a bird, possibly a parrot given that 'Lory' is another name for some parrots.
    • Character Connections
      • Alice - Argues with Alice and is part of the group that leaves when Dinah is mentioned.