An Analysis of Lewis Carroll's
Alice in Wonderland

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A Mad Tea-Party

An Analysis of Chapter 7


Whimsical, Absurd, And Mildly Confrontational.

Basic Stats

Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Relaxed - (2) Hazy - (2) There's some - (3) None - (1) Quick - (4)


Alice attends a nonsensical tea party with the March Hare, the Hatter, and a sleeping Dormouse.

In more detail...

Alice stumbles upon a tea party with the March Hare and the Hatter, who are using a sleeping Dormouse as a cushion. Despite Alice's objections about manners and logic, the hosts engage her in absurd conversations about time, riddles with no answers, and personal remarks. The Hatter is obsessed with time, stuck perpetually at six o'clock because of a quarrel he had with Time. The Dormouse tells a confusing tale about three sisters living in a treacle well, which leads to more nonsensical discussion. After further insults and a lack of civility, Alice becomes frustrated and leaves the party, stumbling upon a door into a tree, which leads her back to the hall with the glass table.
  • Alice
    • About - Alice is the protagonist who stumbles upon the mad tea party and tries to navigate the absurd conversation with politeness and logic. She eventually leaves in frustration.
    • Personality Traits - Curious, polite, logical, and easily frustrated.
    • Physical Characteristics - Not described in this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • March Hare - Host of the mad tea party, engages Alice in nonsensical conversation.
      • Hatter - Co-host of the tea party, fixated on time, speaks in riddles to Alice.
      • Dormouse - Sleeping at the tea party, used as a cushion by the others, and is occasionally woken up to participate.
  • March Hare
    • About - The March Hare is one of the hosts of the tea party, and he challenges Alice with illogical statements and rude behavior.
    • Personality Traits - Rude, nonsensical, and whimsical.
    • Physical Characteristics - Not described in detail, but is a hare.
    • Character Connections
      • Alice - Invites Alice to the tea party and engages her in conversation.
      • Hatter - Co-host of the tea party and fellow participant in the nonsensical discussions.
      • Dormouse - Uses the Dormouse as a cushion and engages it in the tea party conversation.
  • Hatter
    • About - The Hatter is fixated on the idea of time, argues nonsensically with Alice, and is described as mad.
    • Personality Traits - Mad, keen on riddles, and acts with rude manners.
    • Physical Characteristics - Not described in detail, but wears a hat.
    • Character Connections
      • Alice - Engages Alice in argumentative and illogical conversation at the tea party.
      • March Hare - Co-host of the tea party and shares his nonsensical view on time and manners.
      • Dormouse - Involves the Dormouse in their riddle games and pours tea on it to wake it up.
  • Dormouse
    • About - The Dormouse is a sleepy character who participates unwillingly in the tea party and tells a confusing story about three sisters.
    • Personality Traits - Sleepy, occasionally irritable, and nonsensical, even in his sleep.
    • Physical Characteristics - A small, sleeping rodent.
    • Character Connections
      • Alice - Tells Alice a confusing story about three sisters.
      • March Hare - Used by the March Hare as a cushion and prompted to talk in conversations.
      • Hatter - Awoken by the Hatter with tea poured on its nose, participates in a story for Alice.