An Analysis of Lewis Carroll's
Alice in Wonderland

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The Lobster Quadrille

An Analysis of Chapter 10


Whimsical, Absurd, Playful

Basic Stats

Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Relaxed - (2) Understandable - (3) Peaceful - (1) None - (1) Quick - (4)


Alice encounters the Mock Turtle and the Gryphon, who describe to her the silly and whimsical 'Lobster Quadrille' dance. After an absurd and whimsical performance, the chapter ends abruptly as they rush off to a trial.

In more detail...

In this chapter, Alice watches as the Mock Turtle, emotionally overcome, and the Gryphon, discuss and demonstrate the Lobster Quadrille, a nonsensical dance with lobsters followed by a song about soup. The Gryphon and Mock Turtle dialogue about the sea creatures involved in the dance and sing whimsical songs, and Alice gets drawn into an absurd version of a lesson, reciting poems that morph nonsensically. A sudden call to a trial ends the events abruptly, as the Gryphon drags Alice away, leaving behind the singing Mock Turtle.
  • Alice
    • About - Alice witnesses and participates in the nonsense of the Lobster Quadrille, experiences confusion about the absurdity of her surroundings, and resides stoically as the Mock Turtle and Gryphon perform their strange antics. She gets swept away by the Gryphon to the trial.
    • Personality Traits - Curious, polite, somewhat timid, eager to fit in but often puzzled.
    • Physical Characteristics - A young girl, presumably neat and proper in appearance according to the setting's era.
    • Character Connections
      • Mock Turtle - Alice listens and interacts with him as he tells his story and sings.
      • Gryphon - Alice follows the Gryphon's lead and is taken by it to a trial.
  • Mock Turtle
    • About - The Mock Turtle, a melancholic and sentimental character, describes the Lobster Quadrille dance to Alice and performs a song for her. The chapter shows his melodramatic nature blending with the preposterous aspects of Wonderland.
    • Personality Traits - Sentimental, melodramatic, prone to self-pity.
    • Physical Characteristics - An imaginary creature resembling a turtle with the head and hooves of a calf, as mock turtle soup was made of calf's head as a cheaper imitation of green turtle soup.
    • Character Connections
      • Gryphon - They perform together and seem to share a background.
      • Alice - He instructs and performs for Alice.
  • Gryphon
    • About - The Gryphon partners with the Mock Turtle in performing the dance and explaining sea life to Alice. He exhibits a brash and assertive personality, guiding Alice through the absurdity and ending the chapter by hurrying her to a trial.
    • Personality Traits - Assertive, boisterous, direct, lacks patience.
    • Physical Characteristics - A mythical creature with the body, tail, and hind legs of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle.
    • Character Connections
      • Mock Turtle - Partners with the Mock Turtle in the Lobster Quadrille and shares a deep connection with him.
      • Alice - Directs and escorts Alice, indicating a protective or guiding role.