An Analysis of Lewis Carroll's
Alice in Wonderland

created by BookChat using OpenAI GPT 4 Turbo.

The Pool of Tears

An Analysis of Chapter 2


Whimsical, Puzzling, Emotional

Basic Stats

Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Exciting - (3) Clear - (4) Calm - (2) None - (1) Quick - (4)


Alice grows and shrinks in size, and her excessive crying results in a pool of tears that she later falls into.

In more detail...

Alice's continuous size changes leave her feeling disoriented and alone. After consuming the cake that makes her grow enormously, she becomes distressed when she can't fit through the door to the beautiful garden again. Her helplessness makes her cry a sea of tears. When she shrinks back to a smaller size after dropping the fan, she inadvertently falls into the pool created by her tears. In the pool of tears, Alice encounters a series of talking animals, including a mouse, with whom she tries to converse, only to inadvertently frighten it with mentions of her cat, Dinah.
  • Alice
    • About - Alice struggles with her rapid changes in size and grapples with her identity and loneliness. She becomes emotionally overwhelmed, leading to the creation of a pool of tears that she later falls into.
    • Personality Traits - Alice is curious, imaginative, and at times emotional and introspective, often talking to herself.
    • Physical Characteristics - Her physical size varies from very tall to very small within this chapter, with no distinct features described.
    • Character Connections
      • White Rabbit - She briefly encounters and speaks to the White Rabbit, who drops his gloves and fan before running away from her in fear.
      • Mouse - Alice tries to befriend the mouse by speaking to it, initially scaring it with the mention of her cat, Dinah.
  • White Rabbit
    • About - The White Rabbit returns, dressed in a hurry, and drops his gloves and fan in Alice's presence, contributing accidentally to Alice's next transformation in size.
    • Personality Traits - The Rabbit appears to be nervous, hurried, and preoccupied with pleasing the Duchess.
    • Physical Characteristics - He is not described in detail but is wearing gloves and holding a fan.
    • Character Connections
      • Alice - He encounters Alice while she is large, but he is frightened by her size and runs away, unintentionally leaving behind the items that cause her next size change.
  • Mouse
    • About - The Mouse, who joins Alice in the pool of tears, is frightened by Alice's mention of cats but later agrees to tell its history to explain its aversion to them.
    • Personality Traits - The Mouse is initially seen as timid but becomes passionate when discussing its hatred of cats and dogs.
    • Physical Characteristics - Small enough to initially be mistaken by Alice for a walrus or hippopotamus, distinct physical features are not noted.
    • Character Connections
      • Alice - The Mouse encounters Alice in the pool of tears, and despite an unsettling start to their interaction, it agrees to share its story with her.