An Analysis of Lucy Maud Montgomery's
Anne Of Green Gables

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Anne is Invited Out to Tea

An Analysis of Chapter 22


The Tone Is Exuberant, Whimsical, And Somewhat Anxious, Reflecting Anne'S Varying Emotions Throughout The Chapter - Her Excitement For The Invitation, Her Worry About Proper Behavior, And Her Enjoyment Of The Company At The Manse.

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Relaxed - (2) Crystal-clear - (5) Peaceful - (1) Complete - (5) Quick - (4)


Anne Shirley is excitedly invited to have tea at the manse with Mrs. Allan, her Sunday-school teacher. She worries about proper etiquette but ends up enjoying her visit and singing with the others, feeling embraced and accepted.

In more detail...

The chapter opens with an excited Anne returning from the post office with a letter from Mrs. Allan inviting her to tea. Despite Marilla's attempts to temper her enthusiasm, Anne is ecstatic about being called 'Miss' for the first time and is both thrilled at the thought of tea at the manse and anxious about her behavior. As Anne prepares for the visit, Marilla advises her to focus on Mrs. Allan's enjoyment rather than her own worries. The visit goes well, with Anne bonding with Mrs. Allan over their mutual difficulty with geometry and finding joy in singing and partaking in the festivities. Anne also learns of a new teacher, Miss Muriel Stacy, and is filled with anticipation. The day ends on a high note for Anne as she relays her experience to Marilla, contemplating the wonderful intricacies of life.
  • Anne Shirley
    • About - Anne is the protagonist of the story, thrilled to be invited to tea with Mrs. Allan, expressing deep feelings of joy and anxiety. She enjoys her time at the manse and hopes for many such invitations in the future.
    • Personality Traits - Imaginative, Expressive, Anxious about social graces, Intensely emotional
    • Physical Characteristics - Red-haired with a penchant for dresses with puffed sleeves, as well as her freckles and talkative nature.
    • Character Connections
      • Marilla Cuthbert - Marilla is Anne's guardian who tries to temper Anne's enthusiasm and advises her on proper conduct.
      • Mrs. Allan - Mrs. Allan is Anne's Sunday-school teacher who invites her to tea, bonds with her over geometry, and admires Anne's singing.
      • Matthew Cuthbert - Matthew is Anne's other guardian whose remarks about potential rain cause Anne distress.
  • Marilla Cuthbert
    • About - Marilla is Anne's no-nonsense guardian who tries to instill calm and practicality in Anne, even when she gives in to the girl's excitement at being honoured with an invitation.
    • Personality Traits - Stoic, Practical, Unemotional but caring
    • Physical Characteristics - Not described explicitly in this chapter, typically depicted as sensible and sharp-eyed.
    • Character Connections
      • Anne Shirley - Anne is the young girl Marilla is raising with her brother Matthew.
      • Mrs. Allan - Mrs. Allan is the wife of the local minister and Anne's Sunday-school teacher.
  • Mrs. Allan
    • About - Mrs. Allan is the amiable wife of the minister and Anne's Sunday-school teacher, who hosts Anne for tea and makes her feel valued and part of the community.
    • Personality Traits - Kind, Encouraging, Musically inclined
    • Physical Characteristics - Described as looking like a seraph in a pale-pink organdy dress with frills and elbow sleeves.
    • Character Connections
      • Anne Shirley - Mrs. Allan invites Anne to tea, thereby acknowledging Anne's membership in her Sunday-school class.
      • Marilla Cuthbert - Known to Marilla as a figure in the local church community.