All about Marilla Cuthbert from Lucy Maud Montgomery's
Anne Of Green Gables

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All about Marilla Cuthbert

Marilla Cuthbert made an appearance in 35 chapters

Here's a summary of what happened...
Matthew's sister, a woman of few words and practical nature who reveals to Mrs. Rachel Lynde their plan to adopt an orphan boy to help around Green Gables.
Marilla is surprised and disapproving of the mix-up that results in Anne's arrival. She is practical, with a humorous dry wit underlying her stern demeanor, and is uncertain about how to handle the emotional Anne. By the end, there is a hint of unexpected compassion in her interaction with Anne.
Marilla is uncomfortable with communicating with Anne and finds her duty to care for Anne a challenge. She is pragmatic and finds Anne's imaginative nature puzzling, yet she is beginning to feel an unintended interest in the child.
Marilla listens to Anne's story with a mix of skepticism and growing sympathy. She begins to reassess her decision to send Anne back as she learns more about the child's challenging life.
Marilla faces the unexpected situation of deciding what to do with Anne after a misunderstanding with Mrs. Spencer. She reveals her compassionate side when she can't bring herself to let Anne live with Mrs. Blewett and her practical side when considering how Anne might fit into life at Green Gables.
Marilla instructs Anne in neatness and prayer, reveals alarm at Anne's lack of religious knowledge, and ultimately is charmed by Anne's unconventional prayer.
Marilla remains a figure of stability and practicality, tempering Anne's emotional outbursts with matter-of-fact directives and suffusing their growing relationship with her brand of stern care.
Marilla is caught between maintaining decorum and her growing sympathy for Anne. Surprised at her own reaction to Mrs. Lynde's criticism of Anne, she struggles with disciplining Anne and feels a complex mix of embarrassment and defiance.
Marilla is a stern, practical woman who expects Anne to make amends for her behavior. She is secretly amused by Anne's apology to Mrs. Lynde yet maintains her composed demeanor.
Marilla is Anne's stern guardian who is practical in her choices for Anne and disapproving of vanity, yet internally sympathizes with Anne's critiques of the church.
Marilla addresses Anne's controversial hat decoration, managing her social proprieties. She shows a softening attitude by facilitating Anne's friendship with Diana and acknowledging her own growing affection for Anne.
Marilla is a practical and somewhat stern woman who is softening under Anne's influence. This chapter shows her coping with Anne's daydreaming and tardiness, as well as showing a rare display of affection.
Marilla accuses Anne of taking her brooch and punishes her by confinement. Upon finding the brooch, she realizes her mistake, laughs off Anne's false confession, forgives her, and allows her to attend the picnic, which mirrors her journey from rigid authority to compassionate guardian.
Marilla is Anne's strict but caring guardian, who is unsure of how to deal with Anne's declaration of never returning to school. She seeks advice from Mrs. Rachel Lynde on the matter.
Marilla allows Anne to invite Diana over for tea, mistakenly advises Anne where the raspberry cordial is located, and unsuccessfully attempts to clear the misunderstanding with Mrs. Barry.
Anne's guardian who shows concealed happiness over Anne's decision to continue with her education and displays concern over Anne's emotional well-being.
Marilla initially resists Anne's requests but gives in due to Matthew's insistence. She expects Anne to take responsibility for her actions and the consequences.
Marilla is Anne's strict but caring guardian. She initially disapproves of Anne's participation in the springtime frolic and later forces Anne to confront her irrational fear of the haunted wood.
Marilla is Anne's strict but caring guardian. She helps prepare for the tea party to welcome the Allans and is dismayed by Anne's cake mistake, but is softened by the incident and the Allans' reaction.
Marilla is Anne's no-nonsense guardian who tries to instill calm and practicality in Anne, even when she gives in to the girl's excitement at being honoured with an invitation.
Marilla experiences a revelation of her deep feelings for Anne when she carries Anne home after the accident.
Marilla is Anne's strict and pragmatic adoptive mother. She questions the value of the upcoming concert and views the preparations as a hindrance to Anne's academic duties.
Marilla silently watches Matthew's awkward process of gift-giving, opening all the house's doors for airing after he smokes indoors, and discusses with him the pride and future prospects for Anne.
Marilla questions the practicality of the story club and Anne's stories, and stresses the importance of Anne completing her household duties.
Marilla experiences mixed emotions upon returning home to find responsibilities unattended by Anne, and later displays exasperation and care as she helps Anne deal with her hair disaster.
Marilla is frustrated by Anne's actions but shows concern for her safety.
Marilla expresses her affection for Anne by making a special dinner and admitting the loneliness of Green Gables in Anne's absence.
Marilla reflects on her relationship with Anne and her possible need for new glasses, and eventually reveals the opportunity for Anne to join an advanced class led by Miss Stacy.
Marilla supports Anne's outdoor activities for her health, engages in conversations about growth and the role of women, and experiences a sense of loss as Anne matures. She also explores her feelings as she notices the changes in Anne.
Marilla observes Anne's journey with pride and tries to balance her feelings with the opinions of others, including Mrs. Rachel Lynde.
Marilla shows a softer side in this chapter, expressing pride in Anne and concern for her welfare, despite her outward sternness.
Marilla grapples with her feelings of sadness over Anne's departure and reflects nostalgically on the years Anne has spent with them at Green Gables.
She also attends Anne's commencement, shares a moment of pride with Matthew, and discusses her own and Matthew's health concerns with Anne.
Marilla reveals her tender feelings towards Anne and grapples with the pain of losing her brother, Matthew. She also shares her past romantic connection with John Blythe, reflecting on her regrets.
Marilla faces the potential loss of her eyesight and contemplates selling Green Gables. Though despondent, she feels rejuvenated by Anne's selfless decision to stay and help her.

Marilla Cuthbert's Relationships

A summary of Marilla Cuthbert's 34 connections to Anne Shirley, by chapter.

Chapter 3 - Marilla Cuthbert is Surprised: The girl Marilla is surprised by at Matthew's return and with whom she has a conflicting conversation.
Chapter 4 - Morning at Green Gables: Despite her initial reluctance, Marilla is becoming more engaged with Anne and is responsible for her well-being.
Chapter 5 - Anne's History: Marilla is becoming a potential guardian to Anne and is currently her caretaker.
Chapter 6 - Marilla Makes Up Her Mind: Current caregiver, pondering over her responsibility towards her.
Chapter 7 - Anne Says Her Prayers: Marilla is attempting to correct and instruct Anne in the ways of Green Gables and religious practice.
Chapter 8 - Anne's Bringing-up Is Begun: Anne is the orphan girl Marilla has decided to adopt and raise, showing a strict but fair approach to her upbringing.
Chapter 9 - Mrs. Rachel Lynde Is Properly Horrified: Guardian to Anne, dealing with her outburst and deciding on appropriate discipline.
Chapter 10 - Anne's Apology: Marilla is Anne's caretaker, struggling with the strict role she feels she must uphold, yet affected by Anne's charm.
Chapter 11 - Anne's Impressions of Sunday-School: Her adopted daughter whom she prepares for Sunday school.
Chapter 12 - A Solemn Vow and Promise: Marilla is Anne's stern but caring guardian who is concerned about Anne's behavior and reputation in the community.
Chapter 13 - The Delights of Anticipation: Her legal ward, whom she is learning to care for despite initial resistance.
Chapter 14 - Anne's Confession: Guardian and accuser, who eventually forgives Anne.
Chapter 15 - A Tempest in the School Teapot: Guardian to Anne, whom she cares for at Green Gables.
Chapter 16 - Diana Is Invited to Tea with Tragic Results: Marilla is Anne's guardian who allows her to host Diana for tea and scolds her for the inadvertent drunkenness.
Chapter 17 - A New Interest in Life: Marilla is Anne's guardian who reacts unsympathetically to Anne's outbursts but secretly cares deeply for her well-being.
Chapter 19 - A Concert a Catastrophe and a Confession: Marilla is the strict, yet caring, guardian of Anne, who experiences an ongoing push-and-pull dynamic in her relationship with her.
Chapter 20 - A Good Imagination Gone Wrong: Marilla is Anne's guardian who experiences a mixture of frustration and fondness towards Anne's antics.
Chapter 22 - Anne is Invited Out to Tea: Anne is the young girl Marilla is raising with her brother Matthew.
Chapter 23 - Anne Comes to Grief in an Affair of Honor: Marilla is Anne's guardian who has growing affection for her.
Chapter 24 - Miss Stacy and Her Pupils Get Up a Concert: Marilla expresses her concerns about Anne's deep involvement in the concert, fearing it's a distraction.
Chapter 25 - Matthew Insists on Puffed Sleeves: Her ward, for whom she has low expectations regarding appearance but is slowly warming up to.
Chapter 26 - The Story Club Is Formed: Marilla is Anne's guardian and often the voice of practicality in contrast to Anne's imagination.
Chapter 27 - Vanity and Vexation of Spirit: Guardian and caretaker of Anne; disciplinarian and maternal figure to her.
Chapter 28 - An Unfortunate Lily Maid: Her adopted daughter with whom she has a complex, caring relationship.
Chapter 29 - An Epoch in Anne's Life: Marilla is Anne's guardian and cares deeply for her, also demonstrated by her cooking Anne's favorite supper.
Chapter 30 - The Queens Class Is Organized: Caregiver and parental figure.
Chapter 31 - Where the Brook and River Meet: Her ward whom she cares for, supporting her health and education.
Chapter 32 - The Pass List Is Out: Adoptive mother figure; she balances her pride in Anne with her own reserved nature.
Chapter 33 - The Hotel Concert: Adoptive mother figure who shows subtle pride in Anne's accomplishments.
Chapter 34 - A Queen's Girl: Marilla is Anne's guardian and shares a touching parting with Anne.
Chapter 36 - The Glory and the Dream: Marilla is Anne's adoptive mother figure and is quietly proud of her achievements.
Chapter 37 - The Reaper Whose Name Is Death: Her adoptive daughter with whom she shares a profound connection and mutual sorrow.
Chapter 38 - The Bend in the road: Marilla is Anne's guardian and has a deep bond with her.

A summary of Marilla Cuthbert's 19 connections to Matthew Cuthbert, by chapter.

Chapter 1 - Mrs. Rachel Lynde is Surprised: Her brother, with whom she decides to adopt an orphan boy.
Chapter 3 - Marilla Cuthbert is Surprised: Marilla's brother, with whom she lives and discusses Anne's situation.
Chapter 4 - Morning at Green Gables: Matthew is Marilla's brother, and while she is exasperated by his quiet nature, they share a deep familial bond.
Chapter 6 - Marilla Makes Up Her Mind: Her brother; they discuss what to do with Anne and his opinions influence her decision.
Chapter 7 - Anne Says Her Prayers: Marilla shares her dismay at Anne's lack of religious training with Matthew.
Chapter 10 - Anne's Apology: Marilla is Matthew's sister; they live together on Green Gables and are joint caretakers of Anne.
Chapter 12 - A Solemn Vow and Promise: Her brother, whom she jokingly reprimands for encouraging Anne's whims.
Chapter 13 - The Delights of Anticipation: Her brother, who lives at Green Gables with her.
Chapter 14 - Anne's Confession: Her brother, to whom she expresses her frustration and doubts regarding Anne.
Chapter 19 - A Concert a Catastrophe and a Confession: Marilla's brother, whose opinion she eventually respects enough to allow Anne to attend the concert.
Chapter 21 - A New Departure in Flavorings: Her brother, with whom she shares the care of Anne.
Chapter 24 - Miss Stacy and Her Pupils Get Up a Concert: Marilla is Matthew's sister, and they have different views on supporting Anne's endeavors.
Chapter 25 - Matthew Insists on Puffed Sleeves: Her brother, for whom she shows restrained empathy about his awkward attempts to buy a gift for Anne.
Chapter 27 - Vanity and Vexation of Spirit: Brother and often the foil to her more pragmatic demeanor.
Chapter 29 - An Epoch in Anne's Life: Her brother and co-guardian of Anne.
Chapter 31 - Where the Brook and River Meet: Her brother and partner in raising Anne.
Chapter 34 - A Queen's Girl: Marilla is Matthew's sister and they both care deeply for Anne.
Chapter 36 - The Glory and the Dream: Marilla's brother and confidant in raising Anne.
Chapter 37 - The Reaper Whose Name Is Death: Her brother, and she is deeply affected by his death.

A summary of Marilla Cuthbert's 4 connections to Mrs. Rachel Lynde, by chapter.

Chapter 1 - Mrs. Rachel Lynde is Surprised: Friend and neighbor she converses with about adopting the boy.
Chapter 9 - Mrs. Rachel Lynde Is Properly Horrified: Friend and neighbor, conflicting with her when defending Anne.
Chapter 10 - Anne's Apology: She is Marilla's friend and neighbor, whose forgiveness Marilla seeks on behalf of Anne.
Chapter 15 - A Tempest in the School Teapot: Friend and confidante, Marilla consults her for advice on handling Anne's school troubles.

A summary of Marilla Cuthbert's 2 connections to Diana Barry, by chapter.

Chapter 12 - A Solemn Vow and Promise: Marilla has known Diana since she was a baby and seems to be friends with her mother, Mrs. Barry.
Chapter 16 - Diana Is Invited to Tea with Tragic Results: Marilla is indirectly involved in Diana's intoxication due to the misplacement of the wine.

A summary of Marilla Cuthbert's 1 connection to Mrs. Spencer, by chapter.

Chapter 6 - Marilla Makes Up Her Mind: Interacts with her to understand the mix-up; they share a mutual respect but Marilla doubts her judgment.

A summary of Marilla Cuthbert's 1 connection to Mrs. Allan, by chapter.

Chapter 22 - Anne is Invited Out to Tea: Mrs. Allan is the wife of the local minister and Anne's Sunday-school teacher.