All about Dr. Henry Jekyll from Robert Louis Stevenson's
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

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All about Dr. Henry Jekyll

Dr. Henry Jekyll made an appearance in 5 chapters

Here's a summary of what happened...
A respected doctor who has named Hyde as his sole beneficiary. He is not physically present in this chapter, but his will and actions are central to Utterson's concerns.
A respected doctor faced with mysterious illness and distress, Dr. Jekyll is deeply affected by Mr. Hyde's recent actions and tries to reassure Utterson that his association with Hyde is over.
Though not appearing directly in this chapter, Jekyll's presence is central as his apparent disappearance and the mystery of his recent reclusive behavior haunt the chapter.
Although not physically present for most of the narrative, his presence is made known through a letter of instructions to Lanyon and later by transforming from Hyde back into himself.
Jekyll is a well-respected doctor who delves into the darker side of science and ethical morality. He shares his narrative about the struggle between his two halves and the catastrophic consequences of his attempts to separate them, leading to his gradual and complete overtaking by Mr. Hyde.

Dr. Henry Jekyll's Relationships

A summary of Dr. Henry Jekyll's 3 connections to Mr. Gabriel John Utterson, by chapter.

Chapter 2 - SEARCH FOR MR. HYDE: Friend and lawyer concerned about his unusual will and connection to Mr. Hyde.
Chapter 5 - INCIDENT OF THE LETTER: Jekyll attempts to reassure him about the end of his association with Hyde.
Chapter 8 - THE LAST NIGHT: Jekyll's close friend and lawyer, who is deeply concerned for his well-being.

A summary of Dr. Henry Jekyll's 3 connections to Mr. Hyde, by chapter.

Chapter 2 - SEARCH FOR MR. HYDE: Obscure individual designated as Jekyll's heir, implying a significant but mysterious relationship.
Chapter 5 - INCIDENT OF THE LETTER: Jekyll is trying to distance himself from Hyde following the murder.
Chapter 9 - DR. LANYON’S NARRATIVE: Jekyll's dark and evil counterpart, whose existence he has kept a secret until forced to reveal to Lanyon.

A summary of Dr. Henry Jekyll's 2 connections to Dr. Hastie Lanyon, by chapter.

Chapter 2 - SEARCH FOR MR. HYDE: A former close friend, now distanced due to a disagreement about scientific practices.
Chapter 9 - DR. LANYON’S NARRATIVE: Once a close friend, now enlists Lanyon's help in a dire situation that leads to Lanyon discovering Jekyll's secret.

A summary of Dr. Henry Jekyll's 1 connection to Poole, by chapter.

Chapter 8 - THE LAST NIGHT: Jekyll's butler, who is loyal and worried for his master's safety.

A summary of Dr. Henry Jekyll's 1 connection to Edward Hyde, by chapter.

Chapter 8 - THE LAST NIGHT: Jekyll's dark and violent associate, whose body is found in Jekyll's cabinet.

A summary of Dr. Henry Jekyll's 1 connection to Mr. Edward Hyde, by chapter.

Chapter 10 - HENRY JEKYLL’S FULL STATEMENT OF THE CASE: Hyde is Jekyll's darker self, brought to life through a scientific potion. They share the same body but are opposite in morality and actions.