An Analysis of Bram Stoker's

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Dr. Seward’s Diary

An Analysis of Chapter 12


Ominous, Fearful, Anxious, Somber

Basic Stats

Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Heart-pounding - (5) Clear - (4) Explosive - (5) A little - (2) Quick - (4)


Dr. Seward and Van Helsing attempt to save Lucy by giving her a blood transfusion, but despite their efforts, Lucy dies.

In more detail...

Dr. Seward records his hurried journey to Hillingham after receiving Van Helsing's telegram, fearing that Lucy's condition has deteriorated. They find the household in distress, the servants incapacitated by drugged wine, and Lucy and her mother in dire straits. With Van Helsing's guidance, they provide Lucy with a blood transfusion from Quincey Morris, who arrives just in time to offer his aid. Despite these efforts, Lucy's condition worsens, with her mother already dead from a heart condition. As Lucy's strength fades, Van Helsing and Seward struggle to understand the mysterious circumstances that contribute to her failing health. Throughout the night, Lucy oscillates between life and death, with the men watching over her. By morning, Lucy succumbs, her death marking a tragic and bewildering turn of events in the ominous battle against an unseen foe.
  • Dr. Seward
    • About - Dr. Seward is one of Lucy's suitors and a key figure in trying to save her life. In this chapter, he follows Van Helsing's instructions and tries to give Lucy a blood transfusion.
    • Personality Traits - Dedicated, responsible, scientific-minded, and deeply concerned for Lucy's well-being.
    • Physical Characteristics - Not explicitly described in this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • Lucy Westenra - Seward attempts to save her life by providing medical assistance.
      • Professor Van Helsing - Works under Van Helsing's guidance to treat Lucy.
      • Quincey Morris - Witnesses Morris arriving to help Lucy.
  • Professor Van Helsing
    • About - Van Helsing is a knowledgeable and commanding presence, leading the medical efforts to save Lucy. He is observant and recognizes that Lucy's condition is supernatural in nature.
    • Personality Traits - Intelligent, pragmatic, deeply caring for his patients, and with an air of solemnity.
    • Physical Characteristics - Not explicitly described in this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • Lucy Westenra - Van Helsing administers direct medical care and tries to understand her condition.
      • Dr. Seward - Gives instructions to Seward regarding Lucy's care.
      • Quincey Morris - He gratefully receives Morris's blood donation for Lucy.
  • Quincey Morris
    • About - Quincey Morris is an American, one of Lucy's suitors, who arrives just in time to offer his blood for a transfusion to save Lucy.
    • Personality Traits - Brave, selfless, and caring; willing to do whatever it takes to help Lucy.
    • Physical Characteristics - Not explicitly described in this chapter, but known to be a Texan with a stereotypical American appearance.
    • Character Connections
      • Lucy Westenra - Provides his blood for her transfusion and is concerned for her well-being.
      • Dr. Seward - Assists Dr. Seward in the medical care for Lucy.
      • Professor Van Helsing - His blood donation is facilitated by Van Helsing.
  • Lucy Westenra
    • About - Lucy is the central figure of the chapter, experiencing a severe health crisis with bouts of semiconsciousness and ultimately succumbing to her illness.
    • Personality Traits - In her moments of lucidity, she shows tenderness and concern for her friends.
    • Physical Characteristics - Previously beautiful, she now appears pale, drawn, with piercing teeth and gums that look unnaturally white and sharp.
    • Character Connections
      • Dr. Seward - Receives medical care from Dr. Seward.
      • Professor Van Helsing - Cared for by Van Helsing, especially in her final hours.
      • Quincey Morris - Receives a blood transfusion from Morris.
      • Arthur Holmwood - Her fiancé, who is present in her final moments.