An Analysis of Bram Stoker's

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Dr. Seward’s Diary

An Analysis of Chapter 15


Grim, Suspenseful, Investigative, Mournful, And Determined.

Basic Stats

Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Thrilling - (4) Crystal-clear - (5) Explosive - (5) A little - (2) Moderate - (3)


Dr. Seward, shocked by Van Helsing's radical plans for Lucy's body, eventually comes to assist in a night spent guarding her tomb, only to discover it empty.

In more detail...

In Dr. Seward's continued diary entries, he recounts the events following Lucy's death and the mysterious circumstances surrounding it. Initially outraged at Van Helsing's suggestion to mutilate Lucy's corpse, Seward comes to realize there might be truth in the professor's fears of Lucy being an 'un-dead'. Together, they visit a child bitten under similar circumstances to Lucy, deepening Seward's unease. They spend the night at Lucy's tomb, which they find empty, confirming Van Helsing's suspicions. Van Helsing decides more evidence is needed before informing Lucy's fiancé, Arthur. Individual entries conclude with Van Helsing alone in the graveyard to protect others from potential harm caused by Lucy's 'un-dead' form and includes a note detailing his suspicions and instructions in case he does not return.
  • Dr. Seward
    • About - Dr. Seward initially experiences anger and disbelief at Van Helsing's suggestions concerning Lucy's remains. Throughout the chapter, he transitions from skepticism to a relucta'nt participant in Van Helsing's macabre plan to determine if Lucy has become a vampire, following a visit to the hospital and witnessing the empty coffin.
    • Personality Traits - Rational, skeptical, eventually open-minded and dedicated to understanding the truth.
    • Physical Characteristics - Not described in detail within this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • Dr. Van Helsing - Colleague and mentor who challenges his beliefs.
      • Lucy Westenra - Deceased patient and subject of current investigation.
      • Arthur Holmwood - Friend and fiancé of his deceased patient, Lucy.
  • Dr. Van Helsing
    • About - Van Helsing acts as the guide and leader of the group, instigating the investigation of Lucy's tomb. He is determined and unwavering in his belief that Lucy has become an 'un-dead' vampire, convincing Dr. Seward to assist him and preparing to involve Arthur and Quincey.
    • Personality Traits - Compassionate, intellectual, resolute, and deeply knowledgeable about the supernatural.
    • Physical Characteristics - Not described in detail within this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • Dr. Seward - Colleague and fellow investigator of the supernatural events.
      • Lucy Westenra - His former patient now suspected to be a vampire.
      • Arthur Holmwood - Approaches him to take part in the investigation and reveals the situation regarding Lucy.
  • Arthur Holmwood
    • About - Arthur, Lucy's fiancé, is portrayed as an honorable and passionate character, initially incredulous and outraged at the idea of desecrating Lucy's grave but eventually acquiesces to witnessing Van Helsing's methods following intense persuasion.
    • Personality Traits - Loyal, protective, emotional but open to compelling evidence.
    • Physical Characteristics - Not described in detail within this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • Dr. Van Helsing - Convinced by Van Helsing's assurance, reluctantly agrees to observe the investigation into Lucy's condition.
      • Lucy Westenra - His deceased fiancée, whose grave he initially refuses to allow being disturbed.
      • Dr. Seward - Friend who is also involved in the investigation.
  • Lucy Westenra
    • About - Lucy is the subject of the deepening mystery. Despite being deceased and having been buried, the empty coffin suggests she has become a vampire as Van Helsing suspected.
    • Personality Traits - Her current traits reflect her suspected transformation into the undead, characterized by predatory traits hinted at in the chapter.
    • Physical Characteristics - Described posthumously as 'more radiant than ever', with red lips and an indication of a physical change in her teeth.
    • Character Connections
      • Dr. Seward - Her doctor and one of the people investigating her suspected transformation into a vampire.
      • Dr. Van Helsing - The professor leading the investigation into her suspected un-dead state.
      • Arthur Holmwood - Her fiancé, deeply mourning her death and involved in the investigation of her grave.