An Analysis of Bram Stoker's

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Dr. Seward’s Diary - 3 October

An Analysis of Chapter 21


Horrific, Suspenseful, Desperate, And Darkly Dramatic.

Basic Stats

Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Heart-pounding - (5) Crystal-clear - (5) Explosive - (5) A little - (2) Fast-paced - (5)


Dr. Seward discovers Renfield severely injured. Van Helsing performs an emergency operation after Renfield gains consciousness, revealing his encounter with Dracula. The group rushes to the Harkers' room, where they find Dracula attacking Mina. They manage to force him to flee, and Mina reveals the Count fed her his blood, binding her to his influence.

In more detail...

Dr. Seward enters Renfield's room to find him gravely injured. As Van Helsing is called, Renfield's injuries point to a violent encounter. Arthur and Quincey join Seward and Van Helsing, overhearing Renfield's tale of Dracula's power and his grim fate. After an operation and during his final moments, Renfield recounts the full extent of Dracula's visit and his dark promises. Following Renfield's death, they learn Mina has been victimized by Dracula; they discover Jonathan in a stupor, Mina being forced to drink Dracula's blood, and the Count in the process of attacking her. A clash ensues, and the Count is repelled by the sacred wafer and forced to escape. Mina, devastated by her corruption, retells her chilling experience, while the group pledges to protect her. The chapter closes as they strategize their next move, the weight of their situation dawning on them.
  • Dr. Seward
    • About - Discovers Renfield's beaten body and assists Van Helsing in his emergency operation, later witnesses and recounts Dracula's attack on Mina.
    • Personality Traits - Observant, logical, and caring.
    • Physical Characteristics - Not described in detail.
    • Character Connections
      • Renfield - Attempts to save Renfield's life and witnesses his last moments.
      • Van Helsing - Works closely with Van Helsing to assist Renfield and protect the Harkers.
      • Mina Harker - Witnesses her attack by Dracula and is present during her recounting of the event.
  • Professor Van Helsing
    • About - Performs a quick operation on Renfield and later leads the efforts to protect Mina, displaying grave concern for her well-being.
    • Personality Traits - Decisive, knowledgeable, and protective.
    • Physical Characteristics - Described previously as having a bushy mustache and carrying a sense of authority.
    • Character Connections
      • Renfield - Attempts a life-saving operation on Renfield.
      • Mina Harker - Becomes protective of Mina after she discloses the full horror of Dracula's attack.
      • Dr. Seward - Coordinates with Seward in their fight against Dracula.
  • Arthur Holmwood (Lord Godalming)
    • About - Joins Van Helsing and Seward after hearing of Renfield's accident, witnesses Renfield's final moments and searches the estate for Dracula.
    • Personality Traits - Action-oriented, willing to help.
    • Physical Characteristics - Not described in detail.
    • Character Connections
      • Renfield - Is present during Renfield's recounting of his encounter with Dracula and his subsequent death.
      • Quincey Morris - Together with Quincey, he arrives after hearing of an accident and searches for Dracula.
  • Quincey Morris
    • About - Accompanies Arthur to investigate the incident with Renfield and later aids in the search for Dracula on the estate.
    • Personality Traits - Brave, supportive, and adventurous.
    • Physical Characteristics - Not described in detail.
    • Character Connections
      • Arthur Holmwood - Partners with Arthur for tasks and investigating incidents.
  • Renfield
    • About - Found severely injured, he regains consciousness, revealing his confrontation with Dracula and the promises made to him before dying from his injuries.
    • Personality Traits - Loyal to Dracula until the end, conflicted, and appears to have moments of clarity within his madness.
    • Physical Characteristics - His face is bruised and beaten, and he's partially paralysed from his injuries.
    • Character Connections
      • Dracula - Serves Dracula and recounts his interactions with the Count before his death.
      • Dr. Seward - Seward finds him injured and is present during his final moments.
  • Count Dracula
    • About - Feeds on and forces Mina to drink his blood, subsequently attacking her but flees when confronted by Van Helsing and the others.
    • Personality Traits - Malevolent, manipulative, and imposing. Uses promises and threats to command.
    • Physical Characteristics - Tall, thin, with a waxen face, high aquiline nose, red eyes, parted red lips and sharp white teeth, and a distinguishable scar on his forehead.
    • Character Connections
      • Mina Harker - Corrupts and attacks Mina, binding her to his will.
      • Renfield - Is the master Renfield serves and whose promises lead to Renfield's violent demise.
  • Jonathan Harker
    • About - Found in a deep stupor after Dracula attacks Mina; his initial unawareness turns to action and concern for Mina upon awakening.
    • Personality Traits - Protective, loving, and instantly springing into action when the situation demands.
    • Physical Characteristics - Face flushed and appears unconscious in his stupor.
    • Character Connections
      • Mina Harker - Deeply concerned for his wife's safety, becomes distressed upon seeing her attacked.
  • Mina Harker
    • About - Discloses her attack by Dracula, including being forced to drink his blood; her spirit and willpower are compromised, leaving her in despair and feeling unclean.
    • Personality Traits - Displays fortitude and bravery despite her terror and later despair.
    • Physical Characteristics - Pale, her lips and cheeks smeared with blood, embodying the physical signs of Dracula's attack.
    • Character Connections
      • Jonathan Harker - Devastated by the harm that her new bond with Dracula could bring to Jonathan, she finds comfort in his reassurances.
      • Count Dracula - Reluctantly recounts her horrifying experience with Dracula and the hold he now has over her.