An Analysis of Bram Stoker's

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Dr. Seward’s Phonograph Diary, Spoken by Van Helsing

An Analysis of Chapter 24


The Tone Is Determined And Anticipatory, Mixed With A Deep Concern For Mina'S Well-Being And The Group'S Difficult Task.

Basic Stats

Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Thrilling - (4) Crystal-clear - (5) Explosive - (5) None - (1) Quick - (4)


The group prepares to track Dracula to Transylvania. Van Helsing and the men make ready for their journey, deciding to meet him at Varna, while Mina requests to be excluded from their plans to avoid unintentionally aiding Dracula.

In more detail...

In this chapter, Dr. Seward's phonograph diary transmits Van Helsing's message to Jonathan Harker about staying behind to care for Mina while the rest set out to pursue Dracula, who has fled back to Transylvania. Van Helsing states they already have the knowledge needed to track the vampire and aims to confirm that he's on a ship bound for the Black Sea. Mina's journal entry reveals her hopeful disposition upon learning Dracula is out of the country. The gathering later determines that the ship carrying Dracula, the Czarina Catherine, is bound for Varna. Van Helsing outlines their plans to ambush Dracula at Varna after the ship's arrival. Mina insists on being present in the mission, arguing that she may be useful through her susceptibility to hypnosis, a means of tracking Dracula's moves. Her plea to join and her commitment to the cause despite the dangers highlight the chapter's emotional intensity.
  • Dr. Abraham Van Helsing
    • About - Van Helsing is the mentor and leader of the group, directing the plans to counter Dracula's escape. He educates the team on the situation and expresses the necessity of their direct action against Dracula.
    • Personality Traits - Knowledgeable, passionate about his mission, mentor-like, and compassionate especially towards Mina and her condition.
    • Physical Characteristics - Not described in this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • Jonathan Harker - He provides instructions and explanations to Jonathan regarding the plan against Dracula and considers him the protective husband responsible for Mina.
      • Mina Harker - He shows deep concern for Mina's well-being and reluctantly agrees to her request to join them on their journey.
      • Quincey Morris - He acknowledges Quincey's suggestion to bring Winchester rifles on their mission.
      • Lord Godalming - Allies and friends, working together to defeat Dracula.
      • Dr. Seward - Colleagues and friends, united in their quest against Dracula.
  • Jonathan Harker
    • About - Harker grapples with the demand to stay behind to look after Mina as the group readies to pursue Dracula to his homeland. He undergoes an emotional struggle, feeling torn between his duty to Mina and to the mission.
    • Personality Traits - Torn between duty and love for his wife, protective, and somewhat resigned.
    • Physical Characteristics - Not described in this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • Mina Harker - Jonathan is Mina's husband, and his protective nature is underscored by his assigned role to care for her while the group sets off in pursuit of Dracula.
      • Dr. Abraham Van Helsing - Follows Van Helsing's guidance and is a member of the group dedicated to stopping Dracula.
  • Mina Harker
    • About - Mina is concerned that her link to Dracula may make her a liability to the group's plans, and consequently asks to be kept ignorant of their strategies. However, she ultimately insists on joining the journey due to her unique connection to Dracula through hypnosis.
    • Personality Traits - Self-aware, strong-willed, brave, and considerate of the greater good beyond her own wellbeing.
    • Physical Characteristics - She bears the mark of Dracula's curse on her forehead, a red scar.
    • Character Connections
      • Jonathan Harker - She is Jonathan's wife, and she exhibits bravery by requesting to be isolated from strategic knowledge to protect him and their allies from Dracula.
      • Dr. Abraham Van Helsing - Mina seeks Van Helsing's agreement to join the group on their journey to confront Dracula.
  • Lord Godalming
    • About - Lord Godalming participates in the meeting with the group, aiding in their collective decision-making as they plan their journey to confront Dracula at Varna.
    • Personality Traits - Resourceful and determined as part of the group endeavor.
    • Physical Characteristics - Not described in this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • Dr. Abraham Van Helsing - He works closely with Van Helsing and the rest of the group to track down and defeat Dracula.
      • Mina Harker - Respects Mina and her decision to withhold certain information, and is allied with her in the mission against Dracula.
  • Quincey Morris
    • About - Quincey brings his pragmatic sense of action and practicality to the meeting, suggesting the addition of Winchester rifles to their armory for the international journey to challenge Dracula.
    • Personality Traits - Direct, proactive, and courageous, with a touch of his American frontier spirit.
    • Physical Characteristics - Not described in this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • Dr. Abraham Van Helsing - Allied in the fight against Dracula, he contributes ideas during their planning for the journey.
      • Mina Harker - Quincey is an ally to Mina and the group, accepting her participation in their mission.
  • Dr. John Seward
    • About - Dr. Seward records the events in his phonograph diary and takes part in the discussions about how to confront Dracula, serving as a dedicated member of the group.
    • Personality Traits - Analytical, diligent, and supportive of the group's cooperative efforts.
    • Physical Characteristics - Not described in this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • Dr. Abraham Van Helsing - A student and ally of Van Helsing, Seward contributes to the group's knowledge base and strategy against Dracula.
      • Mina Harker - Shares mutual respect with Mina, agreeing to her self-imposed ignorance of the group's detailed plans.