An Analysis of Bram Stoker's

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Jonathan Harker’s Journal - continued

An Analysis of Chapter 3


The Tone Of This Chapter Is Suspenseful And Foreboding, With An Underlying Sense Of Dread And Horror.

Basic Stats

Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Heart-pounding - (5) Clear - (4) Explosive - (5) None - (1) Moderate - (3)


Harker realizes he is a prisoner in Dracula's castle, notes the absence of servants, and observes the Count's supernatural behavior. He also has a harrowing encounter with three female vampires before being warned by Dracula to stay within his own chambers.

In more detail...

Jonathan Harker becomes aware of his imprisonment in Castle Dracula. He concludes that the Count is alone without servants, deducing this from encountering Dracula performing menial tasks. His observations lead him to realize that Dracula must have also been the coachman who drove him to the castle, raising questions about Dracula's control over the wolves and the reasons for the local people's fearful reactions toward him. Harker resolves to be cautious and discreet in his actions and thoughts. At midnight, he engages in a conversation with the Count about Transylvanian history, which reveals the Count's personal association with historical events. Harker also contemplates the essence of a crucifix he received, finding comfort in it despite his prior skepticism. The following day, the Count asks Harker to write letters home but warns him to stay in his room, citing danger in other parts of the castle. Disobeying this warning, Harker falls asleep in a different room and is visited by three seductive female vampires before Dracula intervenes. These experiences contribute to Harker's growing fear and realization of the supernatural horrors that surround him.
  • Jonathan Harker
    • About - Harker feels trapped and explores the castle, learning more about Dracula's powers and the absence of other humans. He has an unsettling interaction with three female vampires and feels increasingly endangered and isolated.
    • Personality Traits - Resourceful, inquisitive, determined, but also increasingly fearful and overwhelmed by his situation.
    • Physical Characteristics - Harker's physical characteristics are not detailed in this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • Count Dracula - He is Harker's captor and the person he has come to do business with.
      • Female Vampires - They nearly seduce and feed on Harker before being stopped by the Count.
  • Count Dracula
    • About - Dracula is revealed to have a long and storied history with his land and people. He exercises control over Harker and the female vampires, demonstrating both ownership and a powerful, menacing presence.
    • Personality Traits - Authoritative, possessive, proud of his heritage, and responds to Harker with both hospitality and cryptic warnings.
    • Physical Characteristics - Described with piercing eyes, a strong physical presence, and a dominant, often fearsome demeanor. He has sharp teeth and a white mustache.
    • Character Connections
      • Jonathan Harker - His guest and prisoner; Harker is also a means to an end for the Count's unknown purposes.
      • Female Vampires - Under his control, these vampires are rebuked by him when they approach Harker.
  • Female Vampires
    • About - Three enigmatic female vampires appear in the castle and almost prey on Harker, but are sternly admonished by Dracula for doing so.
    • Personality Traits - Seductive, coquettish, and menacing with a sense of danger underlying their beauty and grace.
    • Physical Characteristics - Two have dark, piercing eyes and high noses, while one is fair with golden hair and pale sapphire eyes. Their teeth are described as brilliant white.
    • Character Connections
      • Jonathan Harker - Intended victims who attempt to seduce Harker before being stopped by the Count.
      • Count Dracula - They are subservient to Dracula, who exerts power over them and denies their wishes to prey on Harker.