All about Mr. Swales from Bram Stoker's

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All about Mr. Swales

Mr. Swales made an appearance in 2 chapters

Here's a summary of what happened...
Swales engages Mina in discussions about death and the local superstitions, with a change in demeanor suggesting a forewarning of his own mortality.
Found dead with a broken neck in the churchyard, potentially having witnessed something horrifying in his final moments.

Mr. Swales's Relationships

A summary of Mr. Swales's 1 connection to Mina Murray, by chapter.

Chapter 6 - Mina Murray’s Journal: He converses with Mina, revealing his dismissive views on local legends and his own contemplation on life and death.

A summary of Mr. Swales's 1 connection to Lucy Westenra, by chapter.

Chapter 7 - Cutting from “The Dailygraph,” 8 August: His death deeply affects Lucy, showing a connection in their shared experience of the supernatural.