An Analysis of Herman Melville's
Moby Dick

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An Analysis of Chapter 15


Light-Hearted And Humorous.

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Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Calm - (1) Crystal-clear - (5) Peaceful - (1) Complete - (5) Quick - (4)


Ishmael and Queequeg arrive at the Try Pots, an inn renowned for its chowders, where they have a humorous encounter with Mrs. Hussey and end up enjoying a hearty chowder meal.

In more detail...

Upon reaching Nantucket in the evening, Ishmael and Queequeg seek accommodation and are directed to the Try Pots, a place praised for its chowders. They navigate through confusing directions to find the inn, marked by two large black pots. Ishmael muses ominously about the gallows-like top-mast before the Try Pots. Once inside, they encounter the innkeeper's wife, Mrs. Hussey, who presents them with a choice for supper: clam or cod. The humor arises as Ishmael and Queequeg misunderstand her brusque serving style, but they are soon pleased with a delicious clam chowder. Ishmael experiments by later requesting a cod chowder, which is also served. The inn is described vividly with its fish-themed decorations and Hussey's bizarre jewelry. After supper, Mrs. Hussey insists Queequeg leave his harpoon outside before retiring to bed, citing a past tragic incident.
  • Ishmael
    • About - Ishmael, upon arriving in Nantucket with Queequeg, seeks out the promise of a good meal at the Try Pots and exhibits curiosity and humor when confronted with the idiosyncrasies of the place and its proprietress.
    • Personality Traits - Culturally sensitive, Curious, Reflective, Humorous
    • Physical Characteristics - Not described in this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • Queequeg - Traveling companion and friend
      • Mrs. Hussey - Innkeeper's wife at the Try Pots, who serves them supper
  • Queequeg
    • About - Queequeg joins Ishmael for supper at the Try Pots and is present during their amusing dinner interaction with Mrs. Hussey.
    • Personality Traits - Agreeable, Strong appetite for familiar food
    • Physical Characteristics - Not specifically described in this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • Ishmael - His companion
      • Mrs. Hussey - Interacts with her when served supper
  • Mrs. Hussey
    • About - Mrs. Hussey, filling in for her absent husband, promptly and somewhat confusingly takes care of Ishmael and Queequeg's supper needs with her clam and cod chowder options.
    • Personality Traits - Brisk, Direct, No-nonsense
    • Physical Characteristics - Freckled, Yellow hair, Wearing a yellow gown
    • Character Connections
      • Ishmael - Serves him supper
      • Queequeg - Serves him supper and collects his harpoon at bedtime