An Analysis of Herman Melville's
Moby Dick

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An Analysis of Chapter 38


Contemplative, Brooding, Introspective, And Somber.

Basic Stats

Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Exciting - (3) Clear - (4) Hostile - (4) None - (1) Leisurely - (2)


Starbuck internally struggles with his loyalty to Ahab, his duty, and his moral compass, feeling tied to the mad quest for the white whale.

In more detail...

As dusk settles on the Pequod, Starbuck leans against the mainmast, mired in a deep internal conflict. He feels as if his sanity and reason have been undermined by Ahab's mania. Despite recognizing the madness of Ahab's vendetta against the white whale, Starbuck knows he is bound to follow, powerless to sever his connection. He loathes the despotism he recognizes in Ahab but possesses a touch of pity, which he resents. Starbuck contrasts the revelry of the crew with Ahab's solitary brooding, drawing a parallel between the division on the ship and the dichotomy within his own soul. He feels a latent horror and acknowledges that, despite his humaneness, he is compelled to face menacing futures with the help of the 'blessed influences', which stands as a subtle cry for divine aid or internal strength.
  • Starbuck
    • About - Starbuck grapples with his feelings of despair and helplessness in the face of Ahab's overwhelming personality and mad quest for the white whale. His moral and logical sensibilities are at odds with his role as Ahab's first mate and his duty to follow through with the ship's mission.
    • Personality Traits - Contemplative, Moral, Logical, Loyal, Pitying
    • Physical Characteristics - N/A
    • Character Connections
      • Ahab - Subordinate and first mate to Captain Ahab, torn between duty to his captain and aversion to Ahab's obsession.
  • Ahab
    • About - Though not directly active within the chapter, Ahab's dark presence looms over Starbuck's reflections. His manic pursuit of Moby Dick dominates the ship's atmosphere and influences Starbuck's introspection.
    • Personality Traits - Obsessive, Brooding, Dominating
    • Physical Characteristics - N/A
    • Character Connections
      • Starbuck - Captain of the Pequod and the object of Starbuck's conflicted loyalty.