An Analysis of Herman Melville's
Moby Dick

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His Mark

An Analysis of Chapter 18


The Tone Is A Mixture Of Tension, Amusement, And Admiration As Queequeg Proves His Merit And Ultimately Wins Over The Initially Skeptical Ship'S Officers.

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Thrilling - (4) Crystal-clear - (5) There's some - (3) Complete - (5) Quick - (4)


Queequeg, despite being initially discriminated against for his appearance and suspected pagan background, impressively demonstrates his harpooning skills and gains a spot on the Pequod's crew, signing with his unique mark.

In more detail...

In this chapter, Queequeg's pagan background initially causes Captain Peleg and Captain Bildad to question his suitability for their Christian ship. Ishmael defends Queequeg, asserting a metaphorical brotherhood of all people under the 'first congregational church' of the world. Queequeg's skill is tested when he expertly hits a small target with his harpoon, swaying the captains' decision. He is finally accepted to join the crew, signing the ship's papers with the same mark that is tattooed on his arm. Despite Bildad's concern for his soul and attempts to convert him, Queequeg's worth as a harpooneer is recognized, trumping religious concerns.
  • Queequeg
    • About - Initially discriminated against, Queequeg showcases his exceptional harpooning skills and confidently signs the ship's papers with his marked tattoo, earning his place on the crew.
    • Personality Traits - Proud, calm under pressure, confident in his abilities.
    • Physical Characteristics - A tattooed 'savage' carrying a harpoon, strong and dexterous.
    • Character Connections
      • Ishmael - Friend and defender who vouches for his character and church membership.
      • Captain Peleg - Initially skeptical but impressed by Queequeg's skills, decides to accept him aboard.
      • Captain Bildad - Expresses concern for Queequeg's soul but is swayed to allow him to join the crew after witnessing his skill.
  • Captain Peleg
    • About - Acts gruff initially, questioning Queequeg's status as a cannibal, but becomes impressed with his harpooning and decides to enlist him in the crew.
    • Personality Traits - Gruff, practical, outspoken, more swayed by skill than dogma.
    • Physical Characteristics - Loud voice, authoritative demeanor, depicted as a 'wigwam' as if part of the ship.
    • Character Connections
      • Ishmael - Interacts with Ishmael regarding Queequeg's qualifications.
      • Queequeg - Initially prejudiced against but later admires Queequeg's harpooning ability.
      • Captain Bildad - Business partner who has differing views on religion and ship's crew.
  • Captain Bildad
    • About - Religious and prejudiced, he demands proof of Queequeg's conversion before softening after Queequeg demonstrates his worth as a harpooneer.
    • Personality Traits - Strongly religious, scrupulous, concerned about morality and salvation.
    • Physical Characteristics - Hollow voice, wears spectacles, has a yellow bandana handkerchief.
    • Character Connections
      • Ishmael - Challenges Ishmael on his assertion regarding Queequeg's religious affiliation.
      • Queequeg - Initially suspicious, later hands out a religious tract in an attempt to convert him.
      • Captain Peleg - Partners with differing attitudes towards the crew, often clashing on religious matters.