An Analysis of Herman Melville's
Moby Dick

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Knights and Squires

An Analysis of Chapter 27


Descriptive And Contemplative, With Touches Of Humor And Irony.

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Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Relaxed - (2) Crystal-clear - (5) Peaceful - (1) None - (1) Moderate - (3)


This chapter introduces the Pequod's three mates-Starbuck, Stubb, and Flask-and their harpooneers, emphasizing their contrasting personalities and cultural backgrounds.

In more detail...

Chapter 27 delves into the characteristics and backgrounds of the second mate Stubb, the third mate Flask, and their respective harpooneers. Stubb is depicted as a laid-back man from Cape Cod who takes life and death situations with calm indifference and has a fondness for his pipe. Flask, from Martha's Vineyard, is a stout and pugnacious young man with a personal vendetta against whales. The harpooneers, Queequeg, Tashtego, and Daggoo, are aligned with the mates as their squires, each adding diversity and skill to the crew. Queequeg is well-known to the reader, Tashtego is a Native American from Martha's Vineyard, and Daggoo is a commanding African figure. The chapter also reflects on the multinational composition of the Pequod's crew.
  • Stubb
    • About - Stubb is introduced as the second mate of the Pequod, hailing from Cape Cod. He is cheerful, unfazed by danger, and maintains a relaxed disposition, even during the chaos of whale hunting. His fondness for smoking his pipe is notable and contributes to his calm demeanor.
    • Personality Traits - Happy-go-lucky, Careless, Good-humored
    • Physical Characteristics - No detailed physical description given.
  • Flask
    • About - Flask is the third mate, a stout young man from Martha's Vineyard, aggressive towards whales and treating the hunt as a personal challenge. He lacks reverence for whales, viewing them as creatures that can be easily subdued and conquered.
    • Personality Traits - Pugnacious, Fearless, Lacking reverence
    • Physical Characteristics - Short, Stout, Ruddy
  • Queequeg
    • About - Queequeg is previously known to the reader and simply mentioned here as the harpooneer aligned with Starbuck, the chief mate.
    • Personality Traits - Previously described
    • Physical Characteristics - Previously described in the book
    • Character Connections
      • Starbuck - Queequeg serves as a harpooneer under Starbuck.
  • Tashtego
    • About - Tashtego is an unmixed Indian harpooneer from Martha's Vineyard, known for his great skill. He is the descendant of those who hunted moose in New England and now hunts whales with the same precision.
    • Personality Traits - Proud, Unerring skill in hunting
    • Physical Characteristics - Long, Lean, Sable hair, High cheek bones, Black rounding eyes
    • Character Connections
      • Stubb - Tashtego serves as a harpooneer under Stubb.
  • Daggoo
    • About - Daggoo is the third harpooneer, a towering African figure with a commanding presence, who joined the whaling life voluntarily. His exotic appearance and background add a sense of diversity and mystique to the crew.
    • Personality Traits - Fearless, Proud
    • Physical Characteristics - Gigantic, Coal-black, Lion-like tread
    • Character Connections
      • Flask - Daggoo serves as a harpooneer under Flask.