An Analysis of Herman Melville's
Moby Dick

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An Analysis of Chapter 1


Reflective, Melancholic, Philosophical

Basic Stats

Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Calm - (1) Crystal-clear - (5) Peaceful - (1) None - (1) Moderate - (3)


The narrator, Ishmael, introduces himself and expresses his desire to go to sea whenever he feels melancholy or restless.

In more detail...

Ishmael, feeling disenchanted with life on land and suffering from a sort of depression and irritability, decides to go to sea as an alternative to more violent means of escape from his gloom. He reflects on the universal attraction humans have towards the water, considers the various types of people who gaze out to sea, and contemplates their reasons for doing so. Despite having been a school teacher and considering himself above certain menial tasks, Ishmael chooses to work on a ship as a common sailor because it pays and provides him with the fresh air and exercise he desires, unlike passengers who pay and often suffer on voyages. He ultimately sets the stage for the upcoming whaling voyage, driven by his fascination with the mysterious and profound nature of the whale, fulfilling a destiny set by the fates.
  • Ishmael
    • About - Introduced as the narrator and protagonist of the story, expressing his existential ennui and contemplation of the seas as a remedy to his restlessness.
    • Personality Traits - Reflective, philosophical, attracted to the sea, and disenchanted with life on land.
    • Physical Characteristics - Physical characteristics are not explicitly described in this chapter.