An Analysis of Herman Melville's
Moby Dick

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Merry Christmas

An Analysis of Chapter 22


Energetic, Bittersweet, And Reflective.

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Exciting - (3) Crystal-clear - (5) Calm - (2) A lot - (4) Quick - (4)


The Pequod finally sets sail after Captains Peleg and Bildad oversee the final preparations, despite Captain Ahab's absence. Charity delivers some parting gifts, and the crew demonstrates a mix of professionalism and eagerness as they depart on Christmas Day.

In more detail...

Chapter 22 portrays the Pequod's departure on Christmas Day. The riggers have finished their work and the Pequod is moved from the wharf. Charity, Stubb's sister-in-law, brings final gifts for the crew. The captains make their last-minute checks with the chief mate, Mr. Starbuck, and orders are given to call all hands on deck. Amidst a mix of stern professionalism and fervent exclamations, Captain Peleg directs the departure more vigorously than Captain Bildad. The sailors are spurred into action, raising the anchor and setting sail. Bildad sings psalms to motivate the crew while Peleg continues to passionately command. The ship sets off into the frigid Atlantic, and we get glimpses of both captains' emotional farewells as they leave the Pequod in the hands of their trusted mates. The chapter concludes with a melancholic but hopeful atmosphere as the ship and the pilot boat part ways.
  • Captain Peleg
    • About - Captain Peleg, one of the principal owners of the Pequod, takes charge of the departure process with great energy and somewhat tyrannical command, finally showing a sign of emotion as the ship sails off.
    • Personality Traits - Energetic, Commanding, Strong-willed, Philosophical
    • Physical Characteristics - His physical characteristics are not elaborately described in this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • Captain Bildad - Co-owner of the Pequod and fellow Quaker; they share command responsibilities.
      • Mr. Starbuck - Chief mate of the Pequod; he receives orders from Peleg for the ship's departure.
  • Captain Bildad
    • About - Captain Bildad assists in the ship's send-off with more reservation and religious solemnity than his counterpart, Peleg, but he exhibits a deep emotional connection to the ship and its crew.
    • Personality Traits - Pious, Emotional, Thoughtful
    • Physical Characteristics - Bildad is known to be old and lank.
    • Character Connections
      • Captain Peleg - Co-owner of the Pequod and fellow Quaker.
      • Mr. Starbuck - Chief mate of the Pequod; he likely interacts with Bildad as with Peleg in matters of the ship.
  • Charity
    • About - Charity, the sister-in-law of Second Mate Stubb, makes a thoughtful appearance to deliver parting gifts to the crew before the Pequod departs.
    • Personality Traits - Thoughtful, Caring
    • Physical Characteristics - Her physical appearance is not described.
    • Character Connections
      • Stubb - Charity is Stubb's sister-in-law.
  • Mr. Starbuck
    • About - Starbuck ensures that the ship is ready for departure and relays the captains' orders to the crew, participating in the hustle of the ship's initial maneuvers.
    • Personality Traits - Professional, Dutiful, Responsible
    • Physical Characteristics - Physical characteristics are not specified in this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • Captain Peleg - Receives orders regarding the ship's departure from Peleg.
      • Captain Bildad - Also works under the command of Captain Bildad.