An Analysis of Herman Melville's
Moby Dick

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Midnight, Forecastle

An Analysis of Chapter 40


Energetic, Foreboding, Multicultural, Reflective

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Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Exciting - (3) Clear - (4) Calm - (2) None - (1) Quick - (4)


The sailors of the Pequod engage in song, dance, and reflection as they anticipate a coming storm at sea.

In more detail...

Chapter 40 depicts the sailors of the Pequod on the forecastle at midnight, collectively singing a sea shanty that turns into various personal expressions ranging from merriment to fatalism. The mood shifts when the mate calls for eight bells, and a whirlpool of sailor interactions unfold: dancing, jesting, philosophizing, and confronting their diverse superstitions and cultural backgrounds. As the chapter draws to a close, the weather begins to deteriorate, signifying an impending squall, and the men prepare for the hardships it will bring, signaling the interplay between their camaraderie and the constant peril of the sea.
  • Pip
    • About - Pip is depicted as sulky and sleepy, reluctant to participate in the merriment, and then deeply fearful as the storm approaches, invoking the mercy of the 'big white god aloft.'
    • Personality Traits - Sulky, sleepy, timid, anxious
    • Physical Characteristics - None given in this chapter.
  • Tashtego
    • About - Tashtego smokes quietly, considering the frivolity of the other sailors as superficial and saving his sweat for the hunt.
    • Personality Traits - Quiet, observant, reserved
    • Physical Characteristics - None given in this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • Nantucket Sailor - Interacts with Tashtego by asking for a whiff of his smoke.
  • Old Manx Sailor
    • About - The Old Manx Sailor reflects on his youth and the cycle of life, philosophizing about the ship's crew and their transient existence.
    • Personality Traits - Reflective, philosophical, sensitive to the passage of time
    • Physical Characteristics - None given in this chapter.
  • Daggoo
    • About - Daggoo is confident and confrontational, not backing down when challenged by the Spanish sailor about the darkness of his skin.
    • Personality Traits - Confident, unafraid, proud
    • Physical Characteristics - None given in this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • Spanish Sailor - Challenged by him in a tense confrontation.
  • Spanish Sailor
    • About - The Spanish Sailor sparks conflict by alluding to racial tensions but is met with defiance from Daggoo.
    • Personality Traits - Provocative, prejudiced
    • Physical Characteristics - None given in this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • Daggoo - Provokes Daggoo in a racial confrontation.