An Analysis of Herman Melville's
Moby Dick

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Midnight.The Forecastle Bulwarks

An Analysis of Chapter 121


Reflective, Philosophical, And Slightly Humorous

Basic Stats

Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Relaxed - (2) Clear - (4) Peaceful - (1) A decent amount - (3) Moderate - (3)


Stubb and Flask secure the ship's anchors while discussing the risks of seafaring and Ahab's previous orders regarding ship insurance in stormy weather.

In more detail...

In the midst of a stormy night, Stubb and Flask are on the forecastle bulwarks, diligently lashing anchors. Their conversation meanders to the subject of insurance policies for ships like theirs, under Ahab's command, especially considering potential threats like transporting explosive materials. Despite previously asserting that the Pequod, loaded with lucifers and powder barrels, warranted higher insurance premiums, Stubb now confronts Flask's pessimism with a more sanguine outlook, comparing it to the precautions of a lightning rod on a ship's mast. As they work through the rain-drenched environment, Stubb criticizes Flask's lack of sensibility, while also philosophizing about the anchored state of the world. Upon completing their task, Stubb humorously comments on the impracticality of their wet attire and has an unfortunate mishap with his own tarpaulin hat.
  • Stubb
    • About - Stubb spends the chapter securing the ship's anchors with Flask, debating about the risks of seafaring, and questioning Flask's earlier pessimistic statements. His mood seems sanguine and he uses humor to lighten the work in the wet conditions.
    • Personality Traits - Reflective, humorous, philosophical, and at times, practical.
    • Physical Characteristics - Red hair, which he jokes cannot catch afire in the wet conditions.
    • Character Connections
      • Flask - Shipmate, with whom he has a contentious but comical discussion while working.
  • Flask
    • About - Flask is engaged in securing the anchors with Stubb and participates in a conversation about the dangers of their voyage and the oddities of the ship's preparedness for such dangers.
    • Personality Traits - Pessimistic, sensible according to Stubb, and less verbally expressive than Stubb.
    • Physical Characteristics - Red hair, which sparks a jest from Stubb.
    • Character Connections
      • Stubb - Shipmate, with whom he converses and works alongside in securing the anchors.