An Analysis of Herman Melville's
Moby Dick

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Of the Monstrous Pictures of Whales

An Analysis of Chapter 55


Critical, Contemplative, Informative

Basic Stats

Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Relaxed - (2) Crystal-clear - (5) Peaceful - (1) None - (1) Moderate - (3)


Ishmael critiques inaccurate depictions of whales in art, contrasting them with the reality experienced by whalemen, suggesting nothing but the act of whaling can truly convey a whale's form.

In more detail...

Chapter 55 serves as Ishmael's critical analysis of the various representations of whales throughout history. He points out the inconsistencies and absurdities in depictions found in Hindu, Egyptian, Grecian sculptures, and paintings, through to scientific illustrative mistakes of his era. He deconstructs images from temples, coins, and popular art, arguing these portrayals are mythic rather than realistic, based on artists' fanciful imaginations rather than empirical evidence. Specific examples critiqued include works by artists such as Guido Reni and Hogarth, as well as scientific inaccuracies in illustrations found in literature and drawn by supposed experts. Ishmael's exposition culminates with the contention that a whale's true size, shape, and majesty can never be accurately represented in art or illustrations, as the creature's grandeur can only be appreciated at sea.
  • Ishmael
    • About - In this chapter, Ishmael provides a rich commentary on the misrepresentation of whales throughout various mediums and historical contexts.
    • Personality Traits - Critical, contemplative, well-informed, humorous, and slightly sarcastic at times.
    • Physical Characteristics - Ishmael's physical characteristics are not described in this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • Whaleman - He contrasts the experienced whaleman's perception of whales with that of artists and the general public.