An Analysis of Herman Melville's
Moby Dick

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Queen Mab

An Analysis of Chapter 31


Whimsical, Introspective, And Foreboding.

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Relaxed - (2) Crystal-clear - (5) Calm - (2) None - (1) Moderate - (3)


Stubb recounts his bizarre dream about Ahab's ivory leg and a lesson learned about power dynamics.

In more detail...

As Stubb shares a whimsical yet peculiar dream with Flask, the story evokes notions of respect, hierarchy, and futility. Stubb imagines Ahab kicking him with his ivory leg, and yet finds he cannot retaliate due to an innate respect for Ahab's authority symbolized by the ivory leg. In his dream, an old merman with a hump on his back convinces Stubb that being kicked by Ahab is an honor, prompting Stubb to change his perspective on the physical insult. Upon waking, Stubb feels wiser and advises Flask to avoid confronting Ahab. Their conversation ends abruptly when Ahab orders the crew to be vigilant for whales, especially a white one, signaling his obsession with Moby Dick.
  • Stubb
    • About - Stubb recounts his dream to Flask, revealing his interpretation of Ahab's authority and deciding to avoid confrontation with Ahab. He appears to gain insight from the dream, which influences his behavior.
    • Personality Traits - Superstitious, reflective, and somewhat humorous.
    • Physical Characteristics - Physical description not detailed in this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • Flask - They have a conversation about Stubb's dream, showcasing their friendship and differing views.
      • Ahab - Stubb dreams about Ahab kicking him with his ivory leg which symbolizes Stubb's acknowledgement of Ahab's power.
  • Flask
    • About - Flask listens to Stubb recount his dream and dismisses it as foolish, representing the pragmatic voice among the crew members.
    • Personality Traits - Pragmatic, skeptical, and more level-headed than Stubb.
    • Physical Characteristics - Physical description not detailed in this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • Stubb - Engages in a discussion with Stubb and criticizes his dream, showing their friendly rapport.
  • Ahab
    • About - Ahab briefly appears in the chapter first as a character in Stubb's dream, then as the captain of the ship vocally seeking the white whale, displaying his single-minded pursuit and intensity.
    • Personality Traits - Obsessive, commanding, fearsome.
    • Physical Characteristics - Described indirectly through Stubb's dream; Ahab's ivory leg is a prominent feature.
    • Character Connections
      • Stubb - A subject in Stubb's dream and an authority figure whose commands Stubb chooses to avoid in reality.
      • Flask - Flask hears Ahab's commands on deck, which reinforces Ahab's intimidating presence.