An Analysis of Herman Melville's
Moby Dick

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Schools and Schoolmasters

An Analysis of Chapter 88


Reflective, Analytical, And Occasionally Humorous In Comparing Whale Behavior To Human Characteristics.

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This chapter examines the different types of sperm whale groups known as schools, including the dynamics and behavior within female-focused harems and groups of young males.

In more detail...

Chapter 88 'Schools and Schoolmasters' discusses the social organization of sperm whales into schools, which are either groups of females attended by a single large male or bands of young males. The chapter describes the protective and gallant behavior of the male escorting the female school, and the contrasting behavior of young male whales, who are aggressive and pugnacious. It also notes the seasonal movement patterns of the schools and delves into the life changes of older whales, which eventually forsake group life to lead solitary existences, akin to an old schoolmaster reflecting on the follies of youth. There's also commentary on the nature of whale fights over love and the protective behavior displayed by fellow school members when one is attacked.
  • Male escort (Ottoman)
    • About - This character is a full-grown, yet not old, male sperm whale responsible for protecting the school of female whales. He shows gallantry and assumes a protective role.
    • Personality Traits - Gallant, protective, and described as indulging in the luxuries of his 'harem'.
    • Physical Characteristics - Described as having 'the largest leviathanic proportions' when compared to the females.
    • Character Connections
      • Female school - He is the attendant and protector of the school of females.
  • Female school
    • About - A group of female whales, generally less bulky than the males, characterized as delicate and accompanied by the protective male escort.
    • Personality Traits - Described metaphorically as 'concubines,' they exhibit timidness and concern for injured members.
    • Physical Characteristics - One-third the bulk of an average-sized male whale and 'not more than one-third of the bulk of an average-sized male.'
    • Character Connections
      • Male escort (Ottoman) - Protected and accompanied by the male escort.
  • Young male whales (forty-barrel-bulls)
    • About - These are the young and aggressive male whales who travel in groups separate from the females, known for their pugnacity and dangerous nature.
    • Personality Traits - Aggressive, mischievous, and energetic, likened to young college men.
    • Physical Characteristics - Referred to as 'forty-barrel-bulls,' suggesting a significant size and vigor.
  • Lone whale (schoolmaster)
    • About - An older whale that has separated from groups and leads a solitary life, reflecting on past actions and serving as a cautionary figure.
    • Personality Traits - Solitary, reflective, and repentant in later life, transformed from the vigor of youth.
    • Physical Characteristics - Implied to be aged and bearing scars of past encounters.