An Analysis of Herman Melville's
Moby Dick

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The Candles

An Analysis of Chapter 119


Chaotic, Tense, Defiant, Fatalistic, And Awe-Struck.

Basic Stats

Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Heart-pounding - (5) Clear - (4) Explosive - (5) None - (1) Fast-paced - (5)


The Pequod encounters a ferocious typhoon, which strips the ship of its sails. The crew struggles against the storm as Ahab defies the elements, revealing his unquenchable thirst for revenge against Moby Dick.

In more detail...

As they sail through the Japanese seas, the Pequod is caught in a devastating typhoon that renders her bare-poled and vulnerable. The tempest strikes with no warning, leaving the ship to contend with the fierce elements. During the ordeal, the crew, led by first mate Starbuck and second mate Stubb, works desperately to secure the boats and sails. Ahab's quarter boat is damaged, and the sailors are forced to confront the reality of nature's overwhelming power. Amidst the chaos, Starbuck contemplates the possibility of redirecting their course towards home, suggesting that Ahab's obsession might lead them to destruction. Nevertheless, Ahab joins the crew on deck, clinging to the ship's lightning rod, conflating his identity with the storm's fury, and rejecting any notion of a power greater than his own will. Throughout the chapter, the ship's crew grapples with the forces of nature as Ahab stands as a lone figure of defiance, tethered to his destructive path.
  • Starbuck
    • About - Starbuck is on the quarter-deck during the storm, attempting to manage the damage and issuing orders. He exhibits caution and contemplates steering the ship towards home, in stark opposition to Ahab's madness.
    • Personality Traits - Cautious, rational, and fearful of the storm's portents.
    • Physical Characteristics - n/a
    • Character Connections
      • Ahab - First mate to Captain Ahab, often serving as a voice of reason against Ahab's obsession.
      • Stubb - Starbuck admonishes Stubb for his lighthearted singing during the grave situation.
  • Stubb
    • About - Stubb is also involved in managing the crew during the storm, directing the hoisting and lashing of the boats. He maintains humor in the face of danger, singing to keep his spirits up.
    • Personality Traits - Jovial, resilient, and carefree even amidst the storm.
    • Physical Characteristics - n/a
    • Character Connections
      • Starbuck - Second mate to Starbuck, sharing duties during the typhoon, but differing greatly in demeanor.
  • Ahab
    • About - Ahab reveals his monomaniacal pursuit of the white whale, defying the storm's fury. He holds the lightning rod, inviting the storm to test his resolve and pronouncing his unwavering commitment to hunting Moby Dick, regardless of the natural forces against him.
    • Personality Traits - Defiant, obsessive, impervious to fear or superstition, and unrepentantly confrontational to the elements.
    • Physical Characteristics - Intense, one-legged captain with a scarred visage.
    • Character Connections
      • Starbuck - Ahab disregards Starbuck's pleas for caution and continues his relentless pursuit of the white whale.