An Analysis of Herman Melville's
Moby Dick

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The Chart

An Analysis of Chapter 44


Analytical, Obsessed, Determined

Basic Stats

Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Thrilling - (4) Crystal-clear - (5) There's some - (3) None - (1) Moderate - (3)


Captain Ahab obsessively studies sea charts in his cabin, plotting the Pequod's course in an ever-focused hunt for Moby Dick, considering the historical patterns of sperm whale sightings and migrations.

In more detail...

In his cabin, Captain Ahab examines a large, wrinkled bundle of sea charts after a squall, tracing new courses over them and referring to old log-books to determine historical patterns of sperm whale sightings. His meticulous study is described in great detail, with the shifting light over his furrowed brow paralleled to the pencil lines he draws across the charts. Ahab is engaged in a monomaniacal quest to predict the movements of the elusive white whale, Moby Dick, considering various oceanic currents, seasons, and previous encounters. This chapter delves deeply into Ahab's strategic planning, exposing his extensive knowledge of the whale's habits and highlighting his firm belief that he can calculate the creature's whereabouts, despite the vastness of the ocean. Ahab doesn't rely solely on previous patterns but prepares for the possibility of encountering Moby Dick off-course. As Ahab reflects on his plans and the nature of obsession, his complex relationship with the white whale becomes increasingly evident.
  • Captain Ahab
    • About - Ahab is consumed by his monomaniacal pursuit of Moby Dick, meticulously plotting courses and attempting to predict the white whale's movements. He demonstrates a profound knowledge of the sea and whale behavior, yet his obsession borders on madness, as shown by his intense reactions and inability to rest. Ahab's obsession manifests both physically in his intense late-night studies and psychologically in his haunted dreams and haunting presence.
    • Personality Traits - Obsessive, knowledgeable, relentless, possibly madness-tinged.
    • Physical Characteristics - Wrinkled brow, possibly pale from long hours in the cabin.
    • Character Connections
      • Moby Dick - The object of Ahab's obsession, driving him to extreme efforts and sleepless nights.