An Analysis of Herman Melville's
Moby Dick

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The Deck Towards the End of the First Night Watch

An Analysis of Chapter 120


Defiant, Eccentric, Melodramatic

Basic Stats

Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Thrilling - (4) Crystal-clear - (5) There's some - (3) None - (1) Quick - (4)


Starbuck advises Ahab to secure the ship's sails and anchors due to an upcoming storm, but Ahab dismisses the concerns, insisting on confronting the tempest head-on without any precautionary measures.

In more detail...

During the end of the first night watch, first mate Starbuck approaches Captain Ahab with concerns about the ship's main-top-sail and anchors, which are under strain from an impending storm. Starbuck suggests securing these essential parts of the ship to prevent damage. Ahab, however, is unfazed by the brewing tempest and refuses to take any actions that he perceives as signs of cowardice. Instead, he likens his mind to the highest sails of a ship that strive to reach the loftiest heights, even during a storm. The chapter closes with Ahab's declamatory response to Starbuck, likening the noise of the storm to a common malady and ironically urging it to 'take medicine'.
  • Ahab
    • About - Ahab remains steadfast in his mission, revealing his recklessness and stubbornness by refusing Starbuck's prudent suggestions to secure the ship against the storm. His comparison of his own mind to the ship's sails amidst the tempest demonstrates his desire to brave the elements at all costs.
    • Personality Traits - Defiant, single-minded, and disdainful towards caution.
    • Physical Characteristics - Not explicitly described in this chapter, but known to have a pale scar running down his face and a leg made of whalebone.
    • Character Connections
      • Starbuck - Starbuck is Ahab's first mate. Their interaction in this chapter illustrates the growing tension between Starbuck's cautious approach and Ahab's blatant disregard for safety.
  • Starbuck
    • About - Starbuck, the pragmatic and conscientious first mate, is concerned about the safety of the Pequod as the storm approaches and attempts to take reasonable action to protect the ship and crew.
    • Personality Traits - Prudent, responsible, and apprehensive about Ahab's recklessness.
    • Physical Characteristics - Not outlined in this chapter, usually depicted as a sturdy, thoughtful man.
    • Character Connections
      • Ahab - As Ahab's first mate, he is duty-bound to advise the captain on maritime safety, though his advice is dismissed by Ahab in this chapter.