An Analysis of Herman Melville's
Moby Dick

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The Dying Whale

An Analysis of Chapter 116


The Chapter Has A Contemplative And Somber Tone, With Moments Of Poetic Admiration For The Majesty Of Nature And The Cycle Of Life And Death.

Basic Stats

Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Exciting - (3) Clear - (4) Calm - (2) None - (1) Moderate - (3)


In this chapter, Ahab and the crew of the Pequod kill four whales, one by Ahab himself. As a whale dies with its head turned sunwards, Ahab is profoundly affected and contemplates the nature of life and death.

In more detail...

After a fortunate encounter with whales, the Pequod's crew succeeds in killing four of them, offering a moment of brief triumph. As the day wanes, one particular whale's death holds Ahab's attention. The whale dies facing the sun, a spectacle that fills Ahab with a sense of wonder and prompts deep contemplation. He ponders the worship of fire and the sun, considering the whale's death a well-executed ceremonial act of nature. Ahab reflects on the duality of life, acknowledging the darker aspects of his fate and embracing them. He muses on the unending cycle of life and death, seeing himself as affiliated closely with the sea-an element that both nurtures and destroys.
  • Ahab
    • About - In this chapter, Ahab witnesses the death of a whale and is deeply moved by the spectacle. He reflects on its meaning, considering the duality of life, invoking both fire and water, light and darkness, as he grapples with his mortality and the universal cycle.
    • Personality Traits - He is contemplative, brooding, and pensive, showing a philosophical side as he muses on the whale's death and its significance.
    • Physical Characteristics - Ahab is the captain of the Pequod, known for his grim appearance, including a leg made of whalebone.
    • Character Connections
      • The crew of the Pequod - Commands the crew and is responsible for their lives as they hunt whales.
  • The crew of the Pequod
    • About - The crew participates in the whale hunt and shares in the day's success, though their individual reactions and reflections are not detailed in this chapter.
    • Personality Traits - The crew's collective personality is not the focus of this chapter, as the narrative centers on Ahab's experience.
    • Physical Characteristics - The crew comprises men of various backgrounds, each with distinctive physical features, but individual characteristics are not highlighted in this passage.
    • Character Connections
      • Ahab - Led and commanded by Ahab in the whale hunt and throughout their journey.