An Analysis of Herman Melville's
Moby Dick

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The Hat

An Analysis of Chapter 130


Foreboding, Oppressive, Suspenseful, And Mystical.

Basic Stats

Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Thrilling - (4) Clear - (4) Explosive - (5) None - (1) Moderate - (3)


Ahab's obsession is palpable as he strictly oversees the crew with an imposing presence, while the mysterious Parsi, Fedallah, seems to eerily unsettle everyone. Ahab rigs a high perch to maintain a watchful vigil for Moby Dick, and experiences a strange loss when a hawk flies off with his hat.

In more detail...

As the Pequod approaches the supposed location of Moby Dick, Captain Ahab's intensity and obsession amplify. The crew operates under his commanding gaze, which is likened to a polar star in the arctic night. The atmosphere is tense and humorless, with Ahab's spirit overpowering the men, rendering them like soulless machines. Ahab's control extends even in private moments, his tenacity mirrored by the equally inscrutable Parsi, Fedallah, who never appears to sleep and whose presence casts an eerie shadow over the deck. Ahab abstains from going below deck, eats in the open, and has his necessities sent to him. Ahab's distrust for his crew, except for the harpooneers, leads him to maintain his watchful lookout alone, without reliance on his crew. Suspense builds as Ahab takes a perch high above deck to search for Moby Dick. In a surprising moment of vulnerability, a hawk steals Ahab's hat-an ill omen by maritime superstition-and with it, perhaps, a piece of Ahab's imposing image.
  • Ahab
    • About - Ahab appears as the dominating presence aboard the Pequod, overseeing the crew with a dictator's eye. He arranges to be hoisted above deck to watch for Moby Dick and loses his hat to a hawk in a striking moment.
    • Personality Traits - Possessive, monomaniacal, intense, and untrusting of most of his crew except for the harpooneers. He shows ingenuity in his self-reliance to spot Moby Dick first.
    • Physical Characteristics - Ahab is portrayed as having a piercing gaze and a commanding presence, standing motionless and vigilant. The specifics of his appearance are not detailed in this chapter, but his intensity is likened to the unwavering polar star.
    • Character Connections
      • Starbuck - Ahab trusts Starbuck with the rope supporting his perch, despite his previous doubts about Starbuck's faithfulness.
      • Fedallah - Ahab seems subconsciously affected and perhaps unnerved by Fedallah's presence, though he remains a potent character independently.
  • Fedallah
    • About - Fedallah continues to be an enigmatic figure whose presence affects Ahab and unsettles the crew. He seems to neither sleep nor rest and is always seen by Ahab's side.
    • Personality Traits - Mysterious, possibly supernatural, and ever-watchful, inspiring a sense of dread among the crew.
    • Physical Characteristics - His characteristics are largely inscrutable, with wan and wondrous eyes. His ceaseless shudderings and unrelenting vigil suggest a nearly supernatural quality.
    • Character Connections
      • Ahab - His movements are closely watched by Ahab, and he seems to exert some level of influence or control over Ahab.
  • Starbuck
    • About - Starbuck is tasked by Ahab to secure the rope for Ahab's lookout perch, indicating a level of trust or necessity despite their strained relationship.
    • Personality Traits - Dutiful and possibly conflicted, he complies with Ahab's orders despite his own judgment.
    • Physical Characteristics - Starbuck's physical appearance is not detailed in this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • Ahab - Has a complicated and tense relationship with Ahab but is seen as reliable in this chapter.