An Analysis of Herman Melville's
Moby Dick

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The Jeroboam’s Story

An Analysis of Chapter 71


The Tone Is Ominous And Foreboding, With A Palpable Tension Due To The Epidemic On The Jeroboam And The Mysterious And Mad Character Of Gabriel.

Basic Stats

Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Thrilling - (4) Clear - (4) Explosive - (5) None - (1) Quick - (4)


The Pequod encounters the Jeroboam, a whaling ship housing the prophetic and seemingly mad Gabriel, who warns against hunting Moby Dick. The Jeroboam's captain, Mayhew, maintains a quarantine distance due to an epidemic on board.

In more detail...

The Pequod sights and attempts communication with a distant whaling ship, eventually identified as the Jeroboam of Nantucket, which had a malignant epidemic onboard. Captain Mayhew fears contaminating the Pequod and refuses direct contact. Gabriel, an eccentric man from the Jeroboam with a prophet-like influence over its crew, warns Ahab and the Pequod about the perils of Moby Dick, claiming it to be a divine entity. The chapter alternates between the recounting of Gabriel's history among the Jeroboam's crew and current events, concluding with a failed attempt to pass a letter from a dead sailor to his captain, dramatizing the sense of dread and superstition surrounding Moby Dick.
  • Gabriel
    • About - Gabriel, once a prophet among the Nantucket Shakers, now believes himself to be the Archangel Gabriel on the ship Jeroboam, wielding significant influence and sowing fear among the crew.
    • Personality Traits - Delusional, fanatical, commanding, with an ability to instill fear and command obedience from the crew.
    • Physical Characteristics - Characterized by freckles, redundant yellow hair, and wearing a long-skirted, faded coat.
    • Character Connections
      • Captain Mayhew - Gabriel exerts control over Mayhew's actions regarding the whale hunt and reinforces the quarantine.
      • Ahab - Warns Ahab and the Pequod's crew about the perils of hunting Moby Dick, signifying the stark contrast between his madness and Ahab's obsession.
      • Crew of the Jeroboam - Has gained the devout following and fear of the Jeroboam's crew, manipulating and directing them through his prophecies.
  • Captain Mayhew
    • About - Captain of the Jeroboam, maintaining distance due to an onboard epidemic, fearful of spreading it to the Pequod's crew.
    • Personality Traits - Cautious, responsible, and respectful of quarantine protocols.
    • Physical Characteristics - Not specifically described in this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • Ahab - Communicates with Ahab to discuss the white whale and maintain health precautions.
      • Gabriel - Submits to Gabriel's prophetic authority due to fear and possibly out of precaution to maintain order among the crew.
  • Ahab
    • About - The captain of the Pequod, he engages in a shout-conversation with Captain Mayhew but dismisses Gabriel's warnings about Moby Dick.
    • Personality Traits - Stoic, fearless, obsessed with finding Moby Dick, and unperturbed by superstitions and forewarnings.
    • Physical Characteristics - A grizzled, one-legged man with a fierce demeanor, not elaborately described in this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • Captain Mayhew - Discusses the white whale and epidemic precautions with Captain Mayhew.
      • Gabriel - Receives and dismisses Gabriel's ominous warnings about the white whale.