An Analysis of Herman Melville's
Moby Dick

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The Life-Buoy

An Analysis of Chapter 126


Foreboding, Mysterious, And Morbid.

Basic Stats

Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Thrilling - (4) Clear - (4) Hostile - (4) A little - (2) Moderate - (3)


A sailor falls overboard and drowns, leading to the repurposing of Queequeg's coffin as a life-buoy after no suitable replacement is found.

In more detail...

As the Pequod continues its journey, it encounters a peculiar and eerie cry in the night, which the crew attributes to supernatural causes. Ahab dismisses this as the sounds of seals, but the event foreshadows a tragedy when a crew member falls from the masthead and drowns at dawn. Efforts to save him with a life-buoy fail since the buoy has perished from the sun's heat. Starbuck then orders to use Queequeg's coffin as a replacement life-buoy after a suitable cask cannot be found. Despite the carpenter's initial reservations about the unconventional task, the coffin is rigged as a life-buoy, reflecting the blend of the practical and the morbid that characterizes life aboard the Pequod.
  • Ahab
    • About - Ahab, only learning of the eerie night-cry in the morning, interprets the cry as that of seals rather than something supernatural, revealing his scientific rationality. He hollowly laughs when informed about the accident and the life-buoy issue, and does not directly participate in resolving the buoy situation.
    • Personality Traits - Stoic, rational and unnervingly calm in the face of ominous events.
    • Physical Characteristics - Captained the Pequod with an ivory leg
    • Character Connections
      • Starbuck - Listens to Starbuck recount the sounds the crew heard at night and the subsequent loss of the sailor.
      • Flask - Receives the account of the drowned sailor from Flask.
  • Starbuck
    • About - Starbuck is tasked with finding a replacement for the lost life-buoy but struggles due to the urgency of the voyage. He ultimately orders the unconventional use of Queequeg's coffin as a life-buoy.
    • Personality Traits - Practical, serious, and a bit melancholic, yet shows ingenuity by adopting Queequeg's coffin as a buoy.
    • Physical Characteristics - First mate, often portrayed as sturdy and resolute.
    • Character Connections
      • Ahab - Communicates with Ahab over the sounds heard at night and the dire need for a new life-buoy.
  • Flask
    • About - Flask informs others aboard about the eerie cry they heard. He also participates in the discussion about the life-buoy and supports the use of Queequeg's coffin.
    • Personality Traits - Observant and straightforward, not easily startled.
    • Physical Characteristics - Second mate; short and sturdy.
    • Character Connections
      • Ahab - Relays the news of the drowned sailor to Ahab.
  • Queequeg
    • About - Although Queequeg does not actively participate in this chapter, his previously crafted coffin becomes the central object by being transformed into a life-buoy.
    • Personality Traits - Resourceful and spiritually inclined, his earlier actions led to the creation of the coffin that plays a crucial role in this chapter.
    • Physical Characteristics - Tattooed from head to foot, a physically imposing figure.
    • Character Connections
      • Starbuck - Starbuck utilizes Queequeg's coffin as a replacement life-buoy.
  • The Carpenter
    • About - The carpenter begrudgingly adapts Queequeg's coffin into a life-buoy, despite his reservations about the dignity and appropriateness of such a task.
    • Personality Traits - Pragmatic, skilled, and somewhat traditional, with a touch of pride in his quality craftwork.
    • Physical Characteristics - Wise, with the hands of a craftsman.
    • Character Connections
      • Starbuck - Ordered by Starbuck to rig the coffin as a life-buoy.