An Analysis of Herman Melville's
Moby Dick

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The Pequod Meets The Rose-Bud

An Analysis of Chapter 91


Humorous And Cunning.

Basic Stats

Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Relaxed - (2) Crystal-clear - (5) There's some - (3) A lot - (4) Moderate - (3)


The Pequod encounters a French whaling ship, the Rose-bud, attempting to strip oil from two dead whales. Stubb tricks the French captain into abandoning the carcasses, which he then harvests for valuable ambergris.

In more detail...

Several weeks following a whaling incident, the Pequod encounters a foul smell at sea, which leads them to the Rose-bud, a French ship working on two dead whales. One whale is a 'blasted whale', having died naturally at sea, and the other is a 'drugged whale' from their previous hunt. The Rose-bud's crew struggles with the stench and their fruitless efforts to obtain oil. Stubb seizes the opportunity to trick them into abandoning the whales by giving misleading advice through an interpreter. After the French leave, Stubb discovers ambergris in the second whale, a substance far more valuable than the oil they had sought, and secretly procures it for the Pequod.
  • Stubb
    • About - Stubb uses his cunning to trick the French captain of the whaling ship Rose-bud into giving up their catch by pretending to be concerned about their safety. He discovers and extracts ambergris from one of the dead whales, securing a valuable resource for the Pequod.
    • Personality Traits - Mischievous, witty, and opportunistic.
    • Physical Characteristics - Not described in detail in this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • The French captain - Tricks the French captain into abandoning the whales.
      • Ahab - Reports back to Captain Ahab and responds to his commands.
  • The French captain
    • About - Captain of the Rose-bud, he is easily fooled by Stubb into believing that approaching the dead whales is dangerous. He's depicted as inexperienced and gullible.
    • Personality Traits - Naive and susceptible to influence.
    • Physical Characteristics - Described as small, dark, and delicate looking with large whiskers and moustache, and wearing a red cotton velvet vest.
    • Character Connections
      • Stubb - Deceived by Stubb's ruse about the dangers of the dead whales.
  • Ahab
    • About - Ahab briefly appears, waiting for the report from Stubb about the white whale and commanding Stubb to come back aboard.
    • Personality Traits - Authoritative and focused on his mission to find Moby Dick.
    • Physical Characteristics - Not described in this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • Stubb - Ahab waits for Stubb's report and instructs him to return to the Pequod.