An Analysis of Herman Melville's
Moby Dick

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The Prophet

An Analysis of Chapter 19


Foreboding, Mysterious, Suspenseful, Slightly Mocking

Basic Stats

Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Thrilling - (4) Hazy - (2) Hostile - (4) None - (1) Moderate - (3)


Ishmael and Queequeg encounter a strange man named Elijah who cryptically warns them about Captain Ahab and hints at ominous events to come.

In more detail...

After signing onto the Pequod, Ishmael and Queequeg leave the ship for a while and are approached by a peculiar man named Elijah. He asks if they have shipped on the Pequod and then makes vague remark about souls. When Ishmael inquires further, Elijah hints at Captain Ahab's past and his imposing nature, mentioning unsettling events such as Ahab's loss of his leg, a deadly skirmish, and a troubling prophecy. The encounter leaves Ishmael with a sense of foreboding concerning their impending voyage. Unsettled by the man's insinuations, Ishmael attempts to dismiss his warnings as the ramblings of a lunatic. Nevertheless, the encounter leaves Ishmael with more questions than answers regarding Ahab and the voyage they have committed to.
  • Ishmael
    • About - Ishmael is the narrator and responds to Elijah's cryptic comments with skepticism and a rational desire to dismiss the strange sailor as a humbug. He is curious but also cautious and seeks to understand the enigmatic warning about Captain Ahab.
    • Personality Traits - Skeptical, Curious, Rational, Cautious
    • Physical Characteristics - Ishmael's physical characteristics are not explicitly mentioned in this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • Queequeg - His travelling companion and fellow crew member of the Pequod.
      • Elijah - Interacts with Elijah who provides him with vague warnings about Captain Ahab and the Pequod.
  • Queequeg
    • About - Although Queequeg's actions are minimal in this chapter, he is present throughout the exchange with Elijah, and it is implied that he shares Ishmael's sentiment that Elijah seems to be mad.
    • Personality Traits - Stoic, Silent companion, Agreeable
    • Physical Characteristics - Queequeg's physical characteristics are not described in this chapter, but from the rest of the novel, readers know he is a heavily tattooed cannibal from the fictional island of Kokovoko.
    • Character Connections
      • Ishmael - His friend and fellow crew member with whom he converses and interacts during this encounter.
  • Elijah
    • About - Elijah is the mysterious old sailor who confronts Ishmael and Queequeg with foreboding remarks about the Pequod and Captain Ahab, emphasizing the perils they may face and hinting at Ahab's troubled past. He presents a somewhat enigmatic, prophet-like figure.
    • Personality Traits - Cryptic, Foreboding, Eccentric, Mysterious
    • Physical Characteristics - Described as shabbily dressed with faded clothes and having a face marked by confluent smallpox scars.