An Analysis of Herman Melville's
Moby Dick

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The Pulpit

An Analysis of Chapter 8


Reverential, Reflective, Solemn

Basic Stats

Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Relaxed - (2) Crystal-clear - (5) Peaceful - (1) None - (1) Moderate - (3)


Ishmael observes Father Mapple, a former sailor turned revered chaplain, ascend the pulpit in a whaling chapel, which is uniquely designed with maritime elements.

In more detail...

In this chapter, Ishmael describes his encounter with Father Mapple, a chaplain renowned among whalemen. The chaplain enters the chapel amidst a storm, setting him as a figure of both authority and humility. He ascends an unusual pulpit designed like a ship's ladder. Father Mapple's entrance, his climb, and the pulpit itself - adorned with nautical decorations and a painting of a ship in a storm - symbolize his separation from worldly affairs and his role as a spiritual guide. The pulpit represents the prow of a ship, leading the congregation through the storms of life and towards God.
  • Father Mapple
    • About - Father Mapple is introduced as he enters the chapel to deliver a sermon. He ascends the pulpit like a sailor climbing aboard a ship, which symbolizes his spiritual leadership and authority. He isolates himself by drawing up the ladder, indicating his withdrawal from the world to focus on the divine.
    • Personality Traits - He is revered, solemn, and carries an air of sanctity and sincerity. Father Mapple is deeply respected and held in high esteem by the congregation.
    • Physical Characteristics - An elderly but robust man with signs of vitality amidst his age. He carries no umbrella, wears a wet tarpaulin hat and a heavyweight pilot cloth jacket, which he removes before preaching.
    • Character Connections
      • Ishmael - Ishmael is an observer in the chapel, deeply interested in Father Mapple's history, presence, and exceptional characteristics.
      • Congregation - Father Mapple is the chaplain for the whalemen and the people in the chapel, who look to him for spiritual guidance.