An Analysis of Herman Melville's
Moby Dick

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The Quarter-Deck

An Analysis of Chapter 36


Charged, Fervent, Determined, Mystical, Ominous.

Basic Stats

Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Heart-pounding - (5) Clear - (4) Explosive - (5) None - (1) Moderate - (3)


Captain Ahab reveals his obsession with hunting the white whale, Moby Dick, and motivates the crew with a gold coin as a reward. He finally shares that Moby Dick was the whale that took his leg, swearing vengeance.

In more detail...

In Chapter 36, Ahab walks the deck deep in thought until he calls all crew members together. He interrogates them about their duties upon seeing a whale, inciting them with questions that stir excitement and readiness. Ahab then offers a gold coin as a reward to the person who first sights Moby Dick. He rallies the crew around this single purpose, addressing the harpooneers personally. Not all are convinced by his fervor; Starbuck privately questions the sanity and futility of seeking vengeance on a whale. Ahab dismisses Starbuck's concerns, implying that his hunt for Moby Dick transcends mere revenge; it is a battle against all the inscrutable forces that oppress him. The chapter concludes with Ahab manipulating the crew into swearing that they will seek out and kill Moby Dick, by drinking from a symbolic cup, even securing reluctant support from Starbuck.
  • Ahab
    • About - Captain Ahab is consumed by his quest to hunt down the white whale, Moby Dick, who took his leg. He uses a gold coin to incite the crew's cooperation and reveals the deeply personal nature of his pursuit.
    • Personality Traits - Obsessive, charismatic, magnetic, authoritative, foreboding, and single-minded in his pursuit.
    • Physical Characteristics - Pale, with a scarred face and a peg leg made of whalebone.
    • Character Connections
      • Starbuck - Challenges Ahab's obsession but is eventually overpowered by Ahab's will.
      • Stubb - Observes Ahab's behavior with Flask, sensing Ahab's intense personal investment.
      • Flask - Accompanies Stubb in observing Ahab and reacts to his behavior.
  • Starbuck
    • About - First mate Starbuck is the voice of reason against Ahab's monomaniacal crusade, questioning the morality and practicality of seeking vengeance against a whale.
    • Personality Traits - Rational, conscientious, morally grounded, hesitant but ultimately subdued by Ahab.
    • Physical Characteristics - Stark and steadfast appearance, with unspecific details provided in this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • Ahab - Resists Ahab's plan but is grudgingly swayed by Ahab's overpowering presence.
  • Stubb
    • About - Second mate Stubb is seen whispering with Flask and commenting on Ahab's behavior, recognizing the depth of Ahab's determination.
    • Personality Traits - Observant, speculative, and somewhat detached, serving as a semi-comic relief.
    • Physical Characteristics - Details about his appearance are not elaborated in this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • Flask - Together they share asides about Ahab's actions.
  • Flask
    • About - Third mate Flask joins Stubb in quietly discussing Ahab's motivations and actions.
    • Personality Traits - Secondary character reflecting the crew's reactions to Ahab's leadership.
    • Physical Characteristics - Appearance not distinctly described in this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • Stubb - Together they share asides about Ahab's actions.
  • Tashtego
    • About - Tashtego is one of the harpooneers who speaks up during Ahab's speech, having knowledge of Moby Dick.
    • Personality Traits - Knowledgeable of whaling, participates actively in discussions about the white whale.
    • Physical Characteristics - An Indian harpooneer of the Pequod; not further described in this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • Ahab - Acts as a knowledgeable informant about Moby Dick to Ahab and the crew.
  • Daggoo
    • About - Daggoo is another harpooneer who contributes his observations of Moby Dick to the conversation, aiding Ahab's cause.
    • Personality Traits - Vocal and observant, involved in discussions of the whale.
    • Physical Characteristics - A tall African harpooneer; specific details are lacking in this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • Ahab - Offers insight into the characteristics of Moby Dick, supporting Ahab's narrative.
  • Queequeg
    • About - Queequeg is present among the crew during Ahab's rallying speech and is involved in the discourse about Moby Dick.
    • Personality Traits - Strong, silent type, engages sparingly but significantly with discourse.
    • Physical Characteristics - The heavily tattooed Polynesian harpooneer; more details on his appearance not provided in this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • Ahab - Participates in the identification of Moby Dick, aiding Ahab's declaration.