All about Mr. Starbuck from Herman Melville's
Moby Dick

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All about Mr. Starbuck

Mr. Starbuck made an appearance in 2 chapters

Here's a summary of what happened...
Starbuck ensures that the ship is ready for departure and relays the captains' orders to the crew, participating in the hustle of the ship's initial maneuvers.
Starbuck is present during the exchange between Ahab and Gardiner, but his direct actions in this chapter are not extensively described, though he remains the Pequod's first mate and Ahab's chief officer.

Mr. Starbuck's Relationships

A summary of Mr. Starbuck's 1 connection to Captain Peleg, by chapter.

Chapter 22 - Merry Christmas: Receives orders regarding the ship's departure from Peleg.

A summary of Mr. Starbuck's 1 connection to Captain Bildad, by chapter.

Chapter 22 - Merry Christmas: Also works under the command of Captain Bildad.

A summary of Mr. Starbuck's 1 connection to Captain Ahab, by chapter.

Chapter 128 - The Pequod Meets The Rachel: Serves as the first mate under Ahab's command.