All about Tashtego from Herman Melville's
Moby Dick

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All about Tashtego

Tashtego made an appearance in 12 chapters

Here's a summary of what happened...
Tashtego is an unmixed Indian harpooneer from Martha's Vineyard, known for his great skill. He is the descendant of those who hunted moose in New England and now hunts whales with the same precision.
Tashtego is one of the harpooneers who speaks up during Ahab's speech, having knowledge of Moby Dick.
Tashtego smokes quietly, considering the frivolity of the other sailors as superficial and saving his sweat for the hunt.
As a lookout, he spots the whales and alerts the crew with his cries, setting the ship into a flurry of action. His cries are distinct and contribute to the narrative's shift from contemplation to action.
A crew member assisting in the whaling process, Tashtego stands ready with whale-spades to slay any sharks that may threaten Queequeg as he works on the whale.
Tashtego, the Native American harpooneer, skillfully climbs the mast to procure spermaceti, but falls into the whale's head and is nearly lost to the deep.
Tashtego assists Stubb during the pursuit of the whale and is involved in the initial attempt at harpooning.
Tashtego is one of the lookouts on the Pequod and is among those who spot the grand armada of whales.
Tashtego, the Indian harpooneer on the Pequod, is present on the boat during Pip's jump. He initially shows his willingness to sacrifice Pip for the hunt but Pip's life is momentarily valued higher by Stubb's command.
Tashtego is mentioned as one of the pagans that Ahab calls upon to contribute his blood to temper the harpoon.
Tashtego is working high up on the ship's main-top-sail yard during a storm, secure in his movements but expressing a humorous preference for rum over the thunder around him.
Tashtego is one of the crew members who spot the whale and take part in the chase, reacting quickly to Ahab's commands.

Tashtego's Relationships

A summary of Tashtego's 2 connections to Stubb, by chapter.

Chapter 27 - Knights and Squires: Tashtego serves as a harpooneer under Stubb.
Chapter 84 - Pitchpoling: They work closely together in the boat to hunt the whale.

A summary of Tashtego's 2 connections to Ahab, by chapter.

Chapter 36 - The Quarter-Deck: Acts as a knowledgeable informant about Moby Dick to Ahab and the crew.
Chapter 113 - The Forge: Assists Ahab by contributing blood to the forging of the harpoon.

A summary of Tashtego's 2 connections to Queequeg, by chapter.

Chapter 72 - The Monkey-Rope: He, alongside Daggoo, is tasked with protecting Queequeg from sharks by using whale-spades.
Chapter 78 - Cistern and Buckets: Fellow harpooneer who ultimately rescues Tashtego from the whale's head.

A summary of Tashtego's 1 connection to Nantucket Sailor, by chapter.

Chapter 40 - Midnight, Forecastle: Interacts with Tashtego by asking for a whiff of his smoke.

A summary of Tashtego's 1 connection to All crew members, by chapter.

Chapter 47 - The Mat-Maker: His sighting impacts every member of the crew as they prepare for the whaling hunt.

A summary of Tashtego's 1 connection to Crew of the Pequod, by chapter.

Chapter 87 - The Grand Armada: As part of the crew, Tashtego contributes to the collective efforts in whaling operations.

A summary of Tashtego's 1 connection to Pip, by chapter.

Chapter 93 - The Castaway: Contemptuously ready to cut Pip away during the whale chase.

A summary of Tashtego's 1 connection to The Pequod's crew, by chapter.

Chapter 122 - Midnight Aloft. Thunder and Lightning: Tashtego is connected to the crew as one of the ship's crewmembers and topmen, directly involved with the sailing and workings of the Pequod.

A summary of Tashtego's 1 connection to Captain Ahab, by chapter.

Chapter 133 - The Chase: Tashtego serves on Ahab's crew and contributes to the hunt for Moby Dick.