All about The Carpenter from Herman Melville's
Moby Dick

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All about The Carpenter

The Carpenter made an appearance in 4 chapters

Here's a summary of what happened...
Tasked with the urgent job of creating a new leg for Ahab from the finest sperm whale ivory available on the ship.
The chapter's focus, the Pequod's carpenter, exhibits remarkable talent for various manual tasks essential on the ship. Despite his skill and lively intelligence, he is characterized by an impersonal, almost philosophical detachment from the world.
Builds Queequeg's coffin to exact specifications with indifferent efficiency.
The carpenter begrudgingly adapts Queequeg's coffin into a life-buoy, despite his reservations about the dignity and appropriateness of such a task.

The Carpenter's Relationships

A summary of The Carpenter's 1 connection to Captain Ahab, by chapter.

Chapter 106 - Ahab’s Leg: Receives instructions from Ahab to construct a new leg, indicating a hierarchical relationship and a direct involvement in Ahab's personal matters.

A summary of The Carpenter's 1 connection to Queequeg, by chapter.

Chapter 110 - Queequeg in His Coffin: He is tasked by Queequeg to make the coffin, and does so without question, showing his role as a support character and following orders from the crew.

A summary of The Carpenter's 1 connection to Starbuck, by chapter.

Chapter 126 - The Life-Buoy: Ordered by Starbuck to rig the coffin as a life-buoy.