An Analysis of Jack London's
The call of the wild

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The Toil of Trace and Trail

An Analysis of Chapter 5


The Tone Is Somber, Distressing, And Critical, Emphasizing The Suffering Of The Animals And The Foolishness And Cruelty Of Their New Owners.

Basic Stats

Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Thrilling - (4) Crystal-clear - (5) Explosive - (5) A little - (2) Moderate - (3)


Buck and his team, diminished and exhausted, arrive in Skaguay after a grueling journey. They are quickly sold to inexperienced and inept newcomers, Charles, Hal, and Mercedes, who mismanage the sled dogs on the treacherous journey to Dawson.

In more detail...

After a relentless 2,500-mile trek across the north, Buck and his team of sled dogs reach Skaguay in a pitiable condition, significantly underweight and physically depleted. Despite expecting a rest, they are sold to new owners-Hal, Charles, and Mercedes-who lack any understanding of the Arctic or sled dogs. The party faces numerous issues due to the new owners' incompetence, including an improperly loaded sled, excessive and ill-calculated food rationing, and harsh treatment of the dogs. Amid continuous bickering among themselves, the owners ignore wise advice and continue to drive the exhausted dogs. One by one, most of the already weakened dogs die, until only Buck and a few others remain. Their journey culminates in disaster when the ice beneath them breaks, swallowing the sled, dogs, and the owners. Buck, nearly lifeless, is cut free by the compassionate John Thornton.
  • Buck
    • About - Buck leads the sled team through exhausting conditions to Skaguay, resists his new owners' incompetence and cruelty by refusing to move, and is ultimately saved from further abuse by John Thornton.
    • Personality Traits - Enduring, determined, and leadersip quality, but reaches his limit under the new owners' regime, leading to a numb resignation.
    • Physical Characteristics - Once a robust dog weighing 140 pounds, Buck is now gaunt at 115 pounds, his coat lackluster and his body battered.
    • Character Connections
      • Charles, Hal, and Mercedes - Inexperienced owners who buy and severely mismanage Buck and his team.
      • John Thornton - A seasoned outdoorsman who intervenes to save Buck from further abuse.
  • Hal
    • About - Hal is a young, inexperienced man who irresponsibly leads the sled team with cruelty and incompetence, ultimately perishing when the trail's ice gives way.
    • Personality Traits - Callous, inept, and overconfident, Hal fails to recognize his limitations and the gravity of the Arctic conditions.
    • Physical Characteristics - Young, about nineteen or twenty, with a conspicuous belt filled with cartridges and weapons, but lacks true outdoorsmanship.
    • Character Connections
      • Charles - Hal's brother-in-law, who shares in the mismanagement of the sled team.
      • Mercedes - Hal's sister, whom he argues with and also ignores her pleas for the dogs.
      • Buck - Hal becomes Buck's new owner, but his cruelty is met with Buck's resistance.
  • Charles
    • About - Charles is an inexperienced traveler in the Yukon who becomes one of Buck's new owners and is involved in the sled party's misadventures and disputes.
    • Personality Traits - Quarrelsome, inefficient, and equally culpable in the team's failures and mistreatment of the dogs.
    • Physical Characteristics - Middle-aged, lightish-colored with watery eyes and a forcefully twisted mustache.
    • Character Connections
      • Hal - Charles's brother-in-law, with whom he shares the responsibility for the sled team.
      • Mercedes - Charles's wife, whose chattering and incompetence add to the troubles.
      • Buck - One of the sled dogs that Charles ineffectually tries to manage.
  • Mercedes
    • About - Mercedes, the sister of Hal and wife of Charles, spends the journey weeping, providing unsolicited advice, and impeding the sled team's progress, ultimately joining her companions in their tragic fate.
    • Personality Traits - Whiny, impractical, and pampered, her lack of experience and refusal to adapt lead to crisis.
    • Physical Characteristics - Pretty and soft, with a demanding nature that focuses on her own comfort rather than the situation at hand.
    • Character Connections
      • Charles - Mercedes's husband, with whom she quarrels and sympathizes alternately.
      • Hal - Mercedes's brother, whom she attempts to influence but ultimately cannot deter from his destructive course.
      • Buck - Despite showing superficial concern, Mercedes contributes to Buck's (and the other dogs') suffering by being an additional burden.
  • John Thornton
    • About - John Thornton is an experienced outdoorsman who advises against continuing on the dangerous trail and rescues Buck from his abusive owners.
    • Personality Traits - Compassionate, wise, and strong, with a profound understanding of the wilderness and the dogs that traverse it.
    • Physical Characteristics - Details of his physical appearance are not provided, but his actions suggest a capable and practical man.
    • Character Connections
      • Buck - Thornton saves Buck from being beaten to death and provides much-needed kindness.