An Analysis of Jack London's
The call of the wild

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Who Has Won to Mastership

An Analysis of Chapter 4


Triumphant, Tense, Contemplative

Basic Stats

Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Thrilling - (4) Crystal-clear - (5) Explosive - (5) A lot - (4) Fast-paced - (5)


Buck asserts dominance by taking the lead dog position after a brutal fight with Spitz, demonstrating his superiority not just in combat but in leadership and discipline among the sled dogs.

In more detail...

After the disappearance of Spitz and Buck's emergence from a battle covered in wounds, Francois and Perrault realize the change in the dog hierarchy. Despite Francois's attempt to place Sol-leks as the lead dog, Buck insists on taking the leadership role, signaling his triumph over Spitz. Even under threat of a club by Francois, Buck refuses to back down, demonstrating a keen understanding of resistance and maintaining his claim to the head of the team. Perrault and Francois struggle to control Buck but eventually acknowledge his leadership. With Buck as the lead dog, the team's efficiency and discipline markedly improve. Under Buck's leadership, they also manage to add two more dogs to the team, whom Buck swiftly disciplines into shape. The chapter ends as Francois and Perrault leave, and Buck, along with the team, begins a new journey under the care of a Scotch half-breed, pulling a mail sled toward Dawson.
  • Buck
    • About - After defeating Spitz, Buck becomes the leader of the sled team. He demonstrates his leadership by maintaining discipline, leading effectively, and earning the respect of both dogs and humans. Despite the change of masters, Buck adapts to his role, proving his superiority.
    • Personality Traits - Intelligent, cunning, dominant, and strong-willed.
    • Physical Characteristics - Buck is a large, powerful half St. Bernard, half Scotch Shepherd dog, with a coat that is beginning to thicken for the winter.
    • Character Connections
      • Francois - The dog driver who seeks to maintain order but ultimately respects Buck's ascendance to leadership.
      • Perrault - The courier who admires Buck's quick adaptation to the role of lead dog.
      • Spitz - The previous lead dog who was usurped and presumably killed by Buck.
      • Sol-leks - The experienced sled dog who Buck displaces to become the new leader.
  • Francois
    • About - Francois initially tries to maintain his choice of lead dog but concedes to Buck's dominance after witnessing his determination and capability.
    • Personality Traits - Pragmatic, experienced, and adaptable to change.
    • Physical Characteristics - His physical characteristics are not explicitly described in the chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • Buck - Attempts to control him, but eventually accepts Buck as the leader.
      • Perrault - His partner, working together in managing the sled team.
  • Perrault
    • About - Perrault is impressed by Buck's leadership and accepts his new role readily. He values the efficiency and discipline Buck brings to the team.
    • Personality Traits - Observant, fair, and open-minded.
    • Physical Characteristics - His physical characteristics are not explicitly described in the chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • Buck - Acknowledges and praises Buck's capabilities as the team leader.
      • Francois - His partner, with whom he manages the sled dog team.
  • Dave
    • About - Dave falls ill but insists on continuing to work in the traces, exhibiting great pain but even greater dedication. He ultimately is unable to go on and is humanely shot.
    • Personality Traits - Hardworking, prideful, and tenacious to the point of self-destruction.
    • Physical Characteristics - Dave is not described in detail but is a worn-out and sick sled dog.
    • Character Connections
      • Buck - A teammate on the sled dog team.
      • Scotch half-breed - His new master who has to make the tough decision to put him down due to his illness.
  • Scotch half-breed
    • About - He takes over as the dog team's new master after Perrault and Francois leave. He is responsible for the well-being of the dogs as they deliver mail across the Yukon.
    • Personality Traits - Practical, yet showing a degree of compassion towards the dogs' struggles.
    • Physical Characteristics - Referred to as Scotch half-breed, indicating mixed heritage, but otherwise not physically described.
    • Character Connections
      • Buck - Feels concern for Buck as they travel, pulling a mail sled towards Dawson.
      • Dave - Decides to put down Dave when it becomes clear that he can no longer travel.