An Analysis of H. G. Wells's
The Time Machine

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A Sudden Shock

An Analysis of Chapter 7


Desperate, Frantic, Despairing, Reflective, And Ultimately Ironic And Resigned.

Basic Stats

Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Thrilling - (4) Hazy - (2) Explosive - (5) None - (1) Quick - (4)


The Time Traveller discovers that his time machine has disappeared, leaving him stranded and desperate in the future world.

In more detail...

In Chapter VII, the Time Traveller experiences shock and panic when he realizes that his time machine is missing from its hiding spot. Overcome with dread at the thought of being trapped permanently in this future era, he frantically searches the area and interrogates the Eloi, only to face their incomprehension and even disdain. This leads to a moment of despair and madness throughout the night, as he fails to understand how the machine could have been moved. His sense of loneliness and alienation peaks as he accepts his predicament and begins to consider learning more about this new world, its inhabitants, and the perplexing disappearance of his invention. He ends his tumultuous night with a weary awakening, a sense of resignation, and an ironic laughter at the paradox of his efforts to reach the future, now desperately seeking a return to his own time.
  • The Time Traveller
    • About - The Time Traveller experiences terror upon discovering his time machine is missing, driving him to frenetic action, despair, and eventually resignation. He resolves to adapt to the current world and find a way back to his machine.
    • Personality Traits - Intellectual, prone to panic and despair, but also capable of reflection, irony, and practical resolve.
    • Physical Characteristics - Not young, energetic enough to run great distances quickly, prone to fatigue and physical injury in panic.
    • Character Connections
      • The Eloi - Expresses frustration and anger at the Eloi's perceived indifference and lack of understanding regarding the disappearance of his time machine.
  • The Eloi
    • About - The Eloi appear in this chapter as puzzled or frightened by the Time Traveller's frantic behavior, unable to comprehend or assist him in his search for the time machine.
    • Personality Traits - Simple-minded, easily frightened, possibly avoiding confrontation and conflict, showing signs of delicate sensibilities and incomprehension to complex matters.
    • Physical Characteristics - Small, delicate, wearing white and orange-clad robes, expressive of emotions through their demeanor.
    • Character Connections
      • The Time Traveller - Are confronted by the Time Traveller and show a range of reactions from ignorance to fear and repulsion, failing to assist or sympathize with him.