An Analysis of H. G. Wells's
The Time Machine

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In the Darkness

An Analysis of Chapter 12


Desperate, Tense, Frantic, Melancholic

Basic Stats

Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Heart-pounding - (5) Clear - (4) Explosive - (5) None - (1) Fast-paced - (5)


The Time Traveller forges through the dark woods with Weena, intending to reach the White Sphinx. As they go deeper, they are pursued and attacked by Morlocks. In the ensuing struggle, Weena is lost, and the Time Traveller barely escapes as a forest fire distracts the creatures.

In more detail...

In this harrowing chapter, the Time Traveller sets out to cross the woods by night, aiming to reach the White Sphinx by the next day. Despite feeling ill and sleep-deprived, he pushes on with Weena, encountering Morlocks that trail and assault them in the darkness. As he fumbles with matches to fend off the Morlocks, they grow bolder. In panic and determination, he starts a forest fire to scare them off. However, Weena faints or succumbs, and he is left disoriented, not knowing the way back. Surrounded and overwhelmed by Morlocks, he fights furiously until the flames of the spreading fire drive the Morlocks back. He then realizes that Weena is gone-likely left behind during their flight. The sight of Morlocks in pitiful disarray, blinded and dumbstruck by the fire, halts his urge to kill them. As dawn approaches, he walks through the smoldering woods, exhausted and mourning Weena's loss, and reclaims some matches he had lost, which offers him a small solace.
  • The Time Traveller
    • About - In this chapter, the Time Traveller attempts to navigate through a dark forest only to be attacked by Morlocks. He loses Weena and fights desperately to fend off the creatures. He feels a deep sense of loss and despair throughout the chapter but remains determined and resourceful in the face of grim circumstances.
    • Personality Traits - Resourceful, determined, protective of Weena, and capable of violence when threatened. He displays a wide range of emotions from fear to sorrow and shows a scientific curiosity.
    • Physical Characteristics - His physical appearance is not specifically detailed in this chapter, but he exhibits signs of fatigue, exertion, and weariness.
    • Character Connections
      • Weena - He is protective of her and agonizes over her loss when she disappears.
  • Weena
    • About - Weena accompanies the Time Traveller into the dark forest, where she appears frightened and ultimately becomes motionless, possibly fainting, and is lost in the chaos that follows.
    • Personality Traits - Frightened of the darkness, dependent on the Time Traveller, and is initially curious about the fire before becoming still and presumably overwhelmed by the situation.
    • Physical Characteristics - Weena is small, fragile, and Eloi with delicate features typical of her people; she physically clings to the Time Traveller in fear.
    • Character Connections
      • The Time Traveller - She trusts him and looks to him for protection throughout their journey.
  • The Morlocks
    • About - The Morlocks are the antagonists in this chapter, stalking, harassing, and eventually attacking the Time Traveller and Weena in the darkness. They are shown to be afraid of fire and light, blinded by the blaze, and in disarray as some are driven to suicide.
    • Personality Traits - Predatory, persistent, and eventually revealed to be cowardly in the face of fire and light, showing a new side to their character as vulnerable in certain scenarios.
    • Physical Characteristics - They are depicted as pale, white figures who are blinded by light and move with a mix of cunning and desperation.