An Analysis of H. G. Wells's
The Time Machine

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An Analysis of Chapter 1


Inquisitive, Argumentative, And Speculative.

Basic Stats

Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Relaxed - (2) Clear - (4) There's some - (3) None - (1) Moderate - (3)


The Time Traveller discusses his theory of the fourth dimension to his skeptical dinner guests, hinting at his invention capable of time travel.

In more detail...

During an after-dinner conversation, the Time Traveller presents to his guests, including a Psychologist, the Medical Man, and Filby (an argumentative man with red hair), a controversial idea that challenges conventional views on geometry and time. He posits that time is a fourth dimension comparable to length, breadth, and thickness and intimates that he has created a machine that can navigate it. While his argument receives a mix of skepticism and cautious intrigue, it culminates in the revelation that he has experimentally verified his theory. His guests are curious, but some remain unconvinced, viewing his claims as outrageous or mere legerdemain. The chapter concludes with the Time Traveller going to his laboratory to retrieve his experimental evidence.
  • The Time Traveller
    • About - He discusses his theories on time as a fourth dimension and hints at the possibility of time travel, evidenced by his own invention.
    • Personality Traits - Intellectual, inquisitive, confidently unorthodox.
    • Physical Characteristics - Pale grey eyes, pale face, typically pale but now flushed and animated.
    • Character Connections
      • Filby - Engages in debate with Filby; uses him as a counterpoint to his theories.
      • The Psychologist - Converses with the Psychologist about time and space, who is somewhat accepting of his ideas.
      • The Medical Man - Discusses the limitations of movement in space and time with the Medical Man.
  • Filby
    • About - An argumentative guest with red hair, he challenges the Time Traveller's ideas about geometry and reality.
    • Personality Traits - Argumentative, skeptical.
    • Physical Characteristics - Red hair.
    • Character Connections
      • The Time Traveller - Challenges the Time Traveller's ideas; represents skepticism.
  • The Psychologist
    • About - Engages thoughtfully with the Time Traveller's theories about the dimensions of space and time.
    • Personality Traits - Contemplative, somewhat more accepting of the Time Traveller's ideas.
    • Physical Characteristics - Unspecified.
    • Character Connections
      • The Time Traveller - Listens and responds thoughtfully to the Time Traveller.
  • The Medical Man
    • About - Discusses the practical aspects of movement in space and time with the Time Traveller.
    • Personality Traits - Practical, inquisitive.
    • Physical Characteristics - Unspecified.
    • Character Connections
      • The Time Traveller - Engages in discussion with the Time Traveller about moving through time and space.
  • The Very Young Man
    • About - Expresses excitement at the potential practical applications of time travel, such as historical verification or investment opportunities.
    • Personality Traits - Enthusiastic, imaginative.
    • Physical Characteristics - Unspecified.
    • Character Connections
      • The Time Traveller - Excitedly considers the Time Traveller's ideas and their implications.
  • The Provincial Mayor
    • About - Initially does not understand the concept of the fourth dimension but eventually grasps the idea contemplatively.
    • Personality Traits - Contemplative, less familiar with the theoretical concepts presented.
    • Physical Characteristics - Unspecified.
    • Character Connections
      • The Time Traveller - Reflects on the Time Traveller's explanation of the fourth dimension.