An Analysis of H. G. Wells's
The Time Machine

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The Palace of Green Porcelain

An Analysis of Chapter 11


Reflective And Somber But With An Undercurrent Of Hopeful Determination

Basic Stats

Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Exciting - (3) Crystal-clear - (5) Hostile - (4) A little - (2) Moderate - (3)


The Time Traveller discovers a derelict museum, referred to as the Palace of Green Porcelain, and gathers supplies such as matches and camphor that he perceives could be used as weapons against the Morlocks.

In more detail...

The Time Traveller finds the Palace of Green Porcelain in a state of desertion and decay. Exploring inside, he encounters a gallery reminiscent of a museum, with fossil displays, glass cases, and extinct creatures like the megatherium and brontosaurus. The building is identified as a repository of knowledge from a past civilization, featuring galleries of paleontology, mineralogy, and technical chemistry. Despite Weena's inability to comprehend writing, the Time Traveller's finds within the palace, including matches and camphor, renew his hope of defending himself against the Morlocks. He also contemplates the wasted efforts of humanity, evidenced by the decaying remnants of culture and knowledge in the museum. As night approaches, he plans to stay outdoors, protected by fire, and considers how to regain his time machine.
  • The Time Traveller
    • About - The Time Traveller explores the Palace of Green Porcelain, finding it a storehouse of ancient human knowledge and artifacts. He collects potential weapons and improvises a dance in celebration.
    • Personality Traits - Inventive, resourceful, and reflective, with a deep-seated curiosity and a determination to defend himself and Weena against the Morlocks.
    • Physical Characteristics - Not explicitly described in this chapter, but assumed to be a man of science with an innovative and analytical mindset.
    • Character Connections
      • Weena - The Time Traveller's Eloi companion, whom he protects and educates, and with whom he shares his discoveries in the museum.
  • Weena
    • About - Weena accompanies the Time Traveller through the Palace of Green Porcelain, displaying her typical childlike behavior and fear of the dark, and experiencing delight at the Time Traveller's dance.
    • Personality Traits - Innocent, affectionate, and easily frightened, especially by the darkness and potential presence of Morlocks.
    • Physical Characteristics - Small, delicate, and childlike in appearance, characteristic of the Eloi.
    • Character Connections
      • The Time Traveller - Follows and relies on the Time Traveller for protection and companionship as they explore the museum.