An Analysis of H. G. Wells's
The Time Machine

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The Trap of the White Sphinx

An Analysis of Chapter 13


Reflective, Tense And Urgent, Especially As The Time Traveller Faces Danger From The Morlocks.

Basic Stats

Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Thrilling - (4) Clear - (4) Hostile - (4) A little - (2) Quick - (4)


The Time Traveller returns to the spot where he first arrived, reflects on humanity's downfall, and gets trapped by the Morlocks as he attempts to reclaim the Time Machine.

In more detail...

The Time Traveller revisits the seat of yellow metal and ponders the collapse of human intelligence and society, highlighting the peaceful yet superficial existence of the Eloi and the industrial yet unimaginative life of the Morlocks. He notes the irony of a quest for balance and safety ending in a lack of intelligence, as danger and the need for change fuel intellect. After a rest, he walks to the sphinx and, surprised, finds the Time Machine exposed. As he enters the trap, he remains calm trying to strike a match, and although facing difficulty with it requiring a special surface to ignite, he manages to fight off the Morlocks and operate the Time Machine.
  • The Time Traveller
    • About - In this chapter, the Time Traveller reflects deeply on humanity's future, sleeps for rest, and experiences triumph mixed with panic when he retrieves and gets trapped with the Time Machine, managing to escape the Morlocks yet again.
    • Personality Traits - Reflective, intelligent, resourceful, occasionally arrogant, but reveals vulnerability during his trap with the Morlocks.
    • Physical Characteristics - None described in this chapter.
    • Character Connections
      • The Eloi - Reflects on their existence and compares their life to cattle in a field.
      • The Morlocks - Engages in a physical struggle with the Morlocks while trying to escape in the Time Machine.
  • The Eloi
    • About - The Eloi are not actively present in this chapter, but the Time Traveller reflects on their society as he compares it to cattle and laments humanity's downfall.
    • Personality Traits - Simple-minded, peaceful, lack the concept of danger.
    • Physical Characteristics - Beautiful, delicate, dressed in gay robes.
    • Character Connections
      • The Time Traveller - Subject of the Time Traveller's reflections regarding humanity's intellectual decline.
  • The Morlocks
    • About - The Morlocks cunningly trap the Time Traveller by opening the bronze valves of the White Sphinx, revealing the Time Machine, and attempt to catch him in the dark.
    • Personality Traits - Sneaky, persistent, and possibly violent as exhibited by their attempt to trap and likely attack the Time Traveller.
    • Physical Characteristics - Not explicitly described in this chapter, but known to be ape-like and pale creatures.
    • Character Connections
      • The Time Traveller - Set a trap for the Time Traveller and physically interact during the struggle by the Time Machine.