An Analysis of H. G. Wells's
The Time Machine

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When Night Came

An Analysis of Chapter 10


The Tone Is Tense, Foreboding, And Introspective, With An Undercurrent Of Horror.

Basic Stats

Intensity Clarity Conflict Resolution Pacing
Thrilling - (4) Crystal-clear - (5) Hostile - (4) A little - (2) Quick - (4)


The Time Traveller becomes increasingly aware of the looming threat posed by the Morlocks, experiences fear at their inhuman nature, and decides to create a refuge and weapons for protection.

In more detail...

The Time Traveller's hope for an easy escape diminishes as he realizes the depth of the Morlocks' maliciousness, contrasting them against the simplistic Eloi. The dark of the moon and the Morlocks' activities during this time elicit fear, indicating a reverse of roles from the past human societies. He plans to build a fortress and create weapons to defend himself. He takes Weena with him, traveling towards the safety of the Palace of Green Porcelain, which proves to be further than anticipated. Along the way, Weena's behavior provides a stark reminder of the Eloi's childish innocence, and the Time Traveller grapples with the horrid implication of the Morlocks' source of meat. He ends the night on a reflective hillside, considering the profundity of the cosmos and his place within it, and the chapter concludes with his resolve to fight back and reclaim his Time Machine.
  • The Time Traveller
    • About - The protagonist who realizes the threat of the Morlocks, experiences a mix of fear and resolve, and decides to take defensive actions. He carries Weena and reflects on the vastness of the universe, reinforcing his determination to face the unknown challenges.
    • Personality Traits - Resourceful, introspective, and increasingly cautious.
    • Physical Characteristics - His physical state is weary from travel and a minor foot injury.
    • Character Connections
      • Weena - He protects and carries Weena, showing a growing sense of responsibility for her.
      • Morlocks - He regards them as adversaries, sources of fear, and a threat to his safety.
      • Eloi - He observes them and their behaviors, which deepen his understanding of this future society's dynamics.
  • Weena
    • About - A childlike Eloi who accompanies the Time Traveller, demonstrating affection and dependence, while remaining blissfully ignorant of the ongoing dangers.
    • Personality Traits - Childlike, affectionate, and dependent on the Time Traveller for protection.
    • Physical Characteristics - Small stature, delicate appearance consistent with Eloi traits.
    • Character Connections
      • The Time Traveller - She shows trust and companionship to the Time Traveller.
  • Morlocks
    • About - A subterranean, sinister species whose actions at night imply malevolent intent and pose a significant threat to the protagonist and the Eloi.
    • Personality Traits - Inferred to be inhuman, malign, and predatory.
    • Physical Characteristics - Inhuman, possibly pale due to generations of underground living, characterized by their malign nature.
    • Character Connections
      • The Time Traveller - They are the feared enemies of the protagonist and an impetus for his defensive preparations.
      • Eloi - Implied predators of the Eloi, contributing to the fear and degradation of Eloi society.