All about The Eloi from H. G. Wells's
The Time Machine

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All about The Eloi

The Eloi made an appearance in 3 chapters

Here's a summary of what happened...
A group of future humanoids who interact with the Time Traveller. They display no fear and exhibit a childlike ease, simplicity, and indolence.
The Eloi appear in this chapter as puzzled or frightened by the Time Traveller's frantic behavior, unable to comprehend or assist him in his search for the time machine.
The Eloi are not actively present in this chapter, but the Time Traveller reflects on their society as he compares it to cattle and laments humanity's downfall.

The Eloi's Relationships

A summary of The Eloi's 3 connections to The Time Traveller, by chapter.

Chapter 5 - In the Golden Age: They are intrigued by him and attempt to interact in a welcoming though simple manner.
Chapter 7 - A Sudden Shock: Are confronted by the Time Traveller and show a range of reactions from ignorance to fear and repulsion, failing to assist or sympathize with him.
Chapter 13 - The Trap of the White Sphinx: Subject of the Time Traveller's reflections regarding humanity's intellectual decline.