All about Time Traveller from H. G. Wells's
The Time Machine

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All about Time Traveller

Time Traveller made an appearance in 2 chapters

Here's a summary of what happened...
The protagonist who descends into the world of the Morlocks to find his Time Machine. He confronts his fears and the physical demands of the underworld, narrowly escaping with his life.
Though not present in this chapter, the Time Traveller's fate and views on civilization form the basis for the narrator's reflection.

Time Traveller's Relationships

A summary of Time Traveller's 1 connection to Weena, by chapter.

Chapter 9 - The Morlocks: Time Traveller shows compassion and camaraderie towards Weena, as exemplified by their parting before his descent into the Morlocks' domain.

A summary of Time Traveller's 1 connection to Morlocks, by chapter.

Chapter 9 - The Morlocks: Has a hostile relationship with the Morlocks, who attempt to capture him in the dark.

A summary of Time Traveller's 1 connection to Eloi, by chapter.

Chapter 9 - The Morlocks: Feels an emotional connection with the Eloi, seeking their company for reassurance against the sense of danger presented by the Morlocks.

A summary of Time Traveller's 1 connection to Narrator, by chapter.

Chapter 17 - Epilogue: The subject of the narrator's reflection, presumed friend and intellectual counterpart.